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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 14 hours ago, chainarong said:

    Just how much time do U want unelected Junta Prime Minister,  you've back flipped on this issue more times than a acrobatic clown in a circus, it is getting to the point where yourself or your unelected Mininsters cannot be believed nor thrusted........................................:coffee1:

    Like the ousted government, which was also not elected but formed in parliament, could be believed and/or trusted?

  2. 1 hour ago, Ulic said:

    Much like illegal immigrants in the US from south of the Rio Grande who mostly

    do the work Americans will not do. (crop pickers, slaughterhouses etc..) Thai illegal

    migrants do the work Thais will not do, construction labour, etc....

    As with many things, the law of unintended consequences will come into

    play if border security is successful in stopping the influx.  

    I hear this talk always and everywhere, the local people don't want to do this work.


    Or maybe it is the local people don't want to do this work because it is so low paid and bad work conditions?

    Take into account that mostly illegals and foreign workers are much cheaper.


  3. Suppose, have to go to Bangkok to visit the Embassy, have to stay in a hotel for one night.

    Then come back home and have to register again.

    Can immigration please tell me, why?

    Come to check if I am really at home, while I presented myself already?

    But, if I rent it is not my duty to register but the landlord's.

    They come to check?

    And if the landlord doesn't notify immigration it comes down on my head?


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  4. 3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    This is totally getting ridiculous. Thailand needs to get rid of all the names and words that start with P starting with the two Tweedledee and Tweedledum P's dragging this country down, and then this BS of Thailand and the "OH MY" being Prude P. That right there is a Thai man's dream to actually have some substance on a woman's chest put into his face. That certainly here doesn't happen everyday. More like a face rubbed or poked by 2 nipples is more like the norm. 


    In my experience, minimal it maybe, I have other impressions.

    Oops, wrong word, I presume?

  5. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Has anyone ever noticed that the only politicians that face charges here are former politicians? Or former cops. Or former officials. Always former. Never current. 

    Per definition, active officials can not be charged when in office.


    Separation of powers.

    That's why the police should never enter parliament, provincial or local councils.

    Lawmakers, in function, stand above upholders of the law.

  6. 14 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    Are these the ones purchased by the police personally up to 3 years ago ? or is the police department feeling generous and handing them out for free

    Not important really.

    Do the officers get adequate training in the use of the new pistol?

    There seem to be some peculiarities with this pistol that might endanger the officer and the public.

    And which ammunition will be supplied?

    If it is the standard 9 mm ball, then think again, although in the south it isn't really important.


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