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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Invest in high speed rail?

    Just have a look around the world where high speed rail exists.

    Then see nearly all are state owned.

    Then also see that making a return on investment is, ehhhhh, problematic.

    Also take into account those high speed lines take away business from the existing lines, and making both lossmaking.

    Forget it.

    And the Chinese setup in Thailand is not open for private investment, being a Chinese government thing with strategic military background.

  2. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Quite probably.. but i doubt there are many. There are always exceptions. 


    I was joking a bit, about taking army buddies with you when complaining about internet. I know your quite sensitive to jokes and quite rude yourself with others. So i won't take offense i know you well. 

    But the fact you are rather free dishing out rude and insensitive comments about older people still stands, whatever you might throw into the discussion.

    Once, I hope for you, you might be "an old doddering fart" yourself.


  3. 2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Thailand 4.0: redefining democracy. 

    Western style "democracy" is a hollow hole nowadays, and it doesn't work any more in the west.

    Countries are run by big companies, the people have no real power.

    Why should western style democracy work in Asia?

    Depending on what is included in democracy in the Thai style who knows?


  4. 31 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    If it were to be gold my experience is that anything less than 18k is considered cheap skate territory ( am I showin my cards here). I learned that after buying a gold ring back home for a Thai Lady.

    Gold, money, or both.

    Will make her very happy.

    A car is better.

    A house is the best



  5. 2 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    There are far too many members here who find it easier to ask on the forum about any word of phrase that didn't originate in their little part of the world. A troll on another thread recently asked about the meaning of "skin in the game". Their attitudes often seem to be that as they don't know the word, it shouldn't exist.

    They fit into the same category as some old farts who proudly proclaim they have never heard of some celebrity or other and therefore that person can't have that title.

    I will always first check google, wiki or similar to increase my knowledge rather than display a lack of it. 

    Oh dear, oh dear....

    Never heard of xxx, may also mean the speaker isn't interested.

    Sorry, I am rather oldish, and yes I fart regularly.

    Thank you, very relieving and relaxing, farting.

    I presume "hooning" and "skin on the game" is a newfangled word and a saying both born in the US, so again, never heard of it.

    And don't want to know.



    I stand corrected.

    Hooning is not a US born word.

    Australian/New Zealand.

    OK, I am slightly more interested.

  6. 36 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    most pedophiles living in Thailand are white westerners. If the RTP catches them all Thailand will be safer.


    Thailand has70 million people, say 32 million men.

    I dare to bet there will be more pedos in that group as in the non-Thai expat/tourist group, which is much smaller, and in the case of tourists spending only a short time in Thailand.

    I really think you have wrong ideas, besides, who probably are the suppliers of this filth?

    Maybe you are not up to scratch about the news in Thailand


  7. 4 hours ago, rodney earl said:

    If this is such a problem and I have got no doubt that it is why doesn't the government do something about making condoms more accessible to the general population and teaching them about what they are for but then they would not be able to be new defence weapons ha ha

    You think the missing children have something to do with condoms?

    Or with buying arms?

    But of course, all the disappearing children are blamable on the government, present and former.

  8. 49 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

    they seldom go to the bars/nightlife which is very ok with me. good time for hotels to make some money. it is all ok with me. I just have to remind myself not to drive in highly Chinese tourist areas like west Chiang Mai near the Maya Mall area.  they walk in the streets and they drive bikes/motorbikes very dangerously. I suggest to be ready for dangerous drivers and try not to hit one.

    You think the hotels will get a good price for their services?

  9. 1 hour ago, SABloke said:

    Who cares what tier he's moving to - he is moving UP in his career which is what most of us strive for, Hell, even Chumphon FC (A 2nd tier Thai team) has players from Ivory Coast, because compared to where they come from, the money is much better. 

    But would he have gotten this place if his father would not have owned the club?

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