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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. On 1/4/2018 at 1:10 PM, Jai Dee said:

    There are some good points for discussion in the OP.


    Is this your own discussion paper or has it been cut and pasted from elsewhere?


    If this topic is allowed to continue to run, let's be careful with our observations and criticism of Thai behavioural approaches to road safety, and not let things deteriorate into Thai-bashing please.

    Road fatalities in the EU 2016: 71 per day.

    Road fatalities in the USA 2016: 102 per day.

    Road fatalities in Thailand 2016: 65 per day.

    All numbers are more or less.

    Relate the road deaths to the number of inhabitants then the EU is rather safe to drive, the USA less so, and Thailand dangerous.

    As most drivers driving in Thailand are Thai, there must be a connection somewhere to driver abilities.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised at all that China will, soon, I presume, attack Taiwan.

    And seen the Chinese doings in the International waters, like strategic Island building, the Chinese wish to

    build strategic railway lines all over SE Asia, I am afraid this attacking will not be on Taiwan only.

    And be assured, when the time is there, all trade will cease as being not important for the near future.

    China can not be trusted.

  3. 3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    No problem with arresting and deporting overstayers (all 6 of those out of the number arrested), however basing arrests on the basis of colour is bigotry. 

    Yes, it is.

    However, if in general many of a group of people are illegal or whatever, it might be construed to be silly to check intensively a group that, in general, isn't illegal or whatever.

    Maybe being PC makes doing that effective?

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  4. Does HRW also have comments on the situation in Indonesia with it's army controlled economy, the repression of Papua, Moluccans, the slow Javanisation (Islamisation) of other island

    Or the situation in the Phillipines where police and other groups are still murdering so-called drug criminals?

    Or the situation in Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam, Malaysia?

    If you compare Thailand is surely coming out best?

    Certainly, the government is not "elected" as in the other countries mentioned above, but I do think I prefer the situation here.

    If I compare it to my own country, having a democratic government, I can only say democracy is far away, and combined with the unelected EU figures, I don't think the situation in Thailand is really that bad.


  5. 2 hours ago, grumbleweed said:



    One day, without any warning, a bunch of lecturers woke and decided to retire or further their studies, leading to a shortage of staff to deliver the goods they were selling. And that's their defense?


    The sad thing is this inability to plan beyond the next meal break is endemic throughout the Thai education system



    The point is that the funds for a new lecturer or teacher take a year to be approved and can only be asked for when the situation is open, and not before.

  6. On a practical note, without any sign of a slur, might the government consider the fact that the difference in maximum speed between the existing line of 120 km/h and the projected maximum speed of the new to build line of, say, 190 km/h is not worth the investment.

    It might be better to forget building new lines and spend the money on upgrading the existing lines for higher speeds and buying pendolino rolling stock suitable for, say, 200 km/h?

    Yes, even on 1 metre gauge!




  7. 19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    I think he means, democracy "The Prayut way" ! :coffee1:


    But I guess you can agree with me if I state democracy in the west has degenerated into a periodical voting circus without any real influence for the people while big companies rule, while our original ideas of what democracy means doesn't seem to work outside the west.

    For Asia may I point a finger at the ASEAN countries in general, where democracy as we want to see it is far, very far away, and it is highly debatable if democracy can work in Asia.

    Maybe we should wait and see?

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