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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 2 hours ago, Beats56 said:

    Not related but I will share this. My boy and myself wrote a letter to Santa Claus in December and address it North Pole Canada. Sent my wife to post and she comes back saying there is no number of the house. Told her when Canada post gets it they know what to do. They get over a million letters like this every year and have people answer them. So she takes back and they mailed it. Found that funny.



    Santa lives there?

    Who is that bloke in Finland then?

  2. On 1/6/2018 at 7:22 PM, Jip99 said:



    Unfortunately, the Thai hospitals etc don't always want your body.


    A friend was rejected and had to have a conventional cremation.................. Thailand..... not welcome in life, not welcome in death! :smile:

    If you are a registered donor of your remains you will be accepted.

    Of course you must register while alive...... 

  3. 10 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Many, many years ago in Pattaya, way before motorcyccle taxis, hiring a songtaew to take one over the hill for an afternoon on Jomtien beach was all done quite honorably. The fare was agreed pre-departure and the pick-up time for the return trip agreed. No money was paid until the return trip had been completed. Nobody was bilked and nobody was left stranded on the beach.


    I guess there was just a much better class of 'tourist' and songtaew driver back then. Even in Pattaya.

    Or maybe, just maybe, the so-called cheap Charleys became just tourists and expats willing to pay a fair price but not getting it and therefore  getting wise, and the Thai "service providers" can't cope with the farang getting the measure of the double- and triple pricing.

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  4. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Here we go again,monks or so- called monks being naughty chappies again.

    Getting boring reading almost daily reports of drunken/drugged up/ scamming monks.

    Go to be a monk, live the high life, pissed/ drugged up all at other peoples expense.

    Of course, in this case it remains uncertain if they were real monks or just dressed up as monks.

    I assure you most monks don't live the high life, do drugs, drink alcohol and enjoy fleshly delights.

    The fact on a regular basis pseudo or imitation monks are brought in the daylight might just mean the control is growing.

    There are a lot of people getting peace of mind from religion, not your or my business to attack them.

  5. 2 hours ago, selftaopath said:

    Up here in "the sticks" farm buggies run w/out mufflers. They are loud, un registered, and not road worthy. But the non-existent police don't seem to care.  These vehicles have only 1 cylinder and go excessively slow causing much concern on roads in Isaan. Shame there isn't rule of law. 

    But, and please don't forget that, those contraptions are mostly used for work.

    Not for fun, show, whatever.

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