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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    What did anyone expect?


    It was a foolish decision in the first place to move the embassy; some pots don't need to be stirred.


    It is rarely a bad policy in a country to be seen to be standing up to the US.


    It demonstrates the idiocy of Trump's foreign policy; the US is now more isolated than at any other time in my life.


    I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;


    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


    God help us all...

    If you are able to switch off your selective memory, maybe you will see that the former president left office and the world a much more, very much more, unsafe place.

    What he and his followers did to the US internally might be enough for the end of the US.

    Obama was highly dangerous for the world and the US.

  2. 5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Project mooted in 2010 and would have cost 100B Baht. Fast forward and project now cost 420 B Baht; a four fold increase. Has material costs gone up so much in 7 years or just that the invisible costs have shoot up. I wonder the project can still attract private investors with the astronomical cost increase and its viability. 

    The difference is that the 2010 estimate was a Chinese one, hence driven by strategic Chinese reasoning, and therefore mightily undervalued.


  3. 14 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    Can a Glock pistol, with safety on, go off when dropped? Doubtful.


    Anyway, 2 victims with one shot is worthy of the Lone Ranger - well done that man!

    Yes, a Glock can do that.

    Happened before.

    The Glock has no external safety, only a trigger safety and two internal automatic safeties.

    And maintenance is important.......


  4. 4 hours ago, kaorop said:

    No one I speak to is happy with the economy and as anyone with half a brain knows, uphappy people spend less and this just snowballs. I see it firsthand trying to sell some of my belongings at greatly reduced prices. They are of course fast tracking projects that suit them, eg: the 7 extension to utapo, they want to be able to go from their bkk mansions to their private jets without having to stop. Their boots are now well full and overflowing. I feel badly for the locals that have been disempowered and now thoroughly shafted..

    Well, if you put questions like that to any inhabitant of any country, it is quite possible you will get the same answers.

    Everywhere the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

    Everywhere the export and economy is growing, and indeed, the poor don't get anything from that.

    Everywhere the people feel that democracy doesn't seem to work anymore, the political class takes care of themselves and the highest bidders.

    So, no difference.

    A poll like this is just rubbish, the results will be nearly the same everywhere.

    And the unrest in the south?

    It is Islam induced, same all over the world, simply because they want the world's submission.

  5. 19 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    It is, IMHO, mportant to rehabilitate offenders. However, in this case, I fear the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

    Well, as the adagio is to catch thieves with thieves.......

    On the other hand, as they were already in the gun business, so to say, and versed in working with weapons, the idea to employ them in the same business, so to say, is not a bad one, really.

    If it will work out as hoped?

  6. 23 minutes ago, Rimkok said:

    Thanks for the replies.


    I did hear about the after school option. I wouldn't fancy him doing that either to be honest.


    He has many hobbies outside of school and the last thing I want is for him to waste 2 years doing something he doesn't want to do and will serve him no purpose.


    If we were talking about a disciplined military then I would have no problem with him enrolling. Cleaning the Generals cars and boots is hardly training. 


    The way I see it is that he would have absolutely nothing to gain by joining. His time could be spent much more productively doing something else. 

    As if cleaning the general's things are the only thing soldiers have to do?

    Assisting in hospitals;

    Flood relief;

    Cleaning waterways;

    Assisting security in local festivities;

    Traffic assisting;

    Building small houses for the poor and needy;

    All kinds of social services.

    Besides these social duties:

    Patrolling in the south;

    Patrolling the borders;

    Security in towns and villages;



    Yes, and sometimes do nothing in barracks, the bane of all soldiers.




  7. 2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Ooooh! That'll make a difference! A "National Agenda"? Sounds deeply profound.


    It is the same old thing, year after year.


    Thousands will be injured or die needlessly due to lack of enforcement of traffic laws around the country. Leaders in Thailand will make some noise, but in the end people will continue to be injured or die needlessly. And after New Years, there will be further discussions around Songkran  where leaders in Thailand will make more noise, but people will continue to be injured or die needlessly.


    Here's an idea; why not actually do something to lessen the number of people injured or dying needlessly? 


    I do think the high number of traffic accidents is coming from the general state of mind of road users.

    Good policing might help to change the mindset of road users, eventually.

    But to blame the lack of law enforcement is quite wrong.

    The real reason is the lack of self-control and selfdiscipline.

  8. On 29/09/2015 at 8:44 PM, Thailaw said:

    "Better marketing"? How about "better quality and durability". And, if you want the best value for money, when new models come out, the prices on the old models falls significantly. The Nouvo Elegance was a good bike 6+ years ago, but I certainly wouldn't want one now (not even fuel injected). So, for best value for money, look at a low mileage PCX 125, which have prices in the mid 30's -- great value IMHO. And you get a bike with a similar design to, and looks better than, the N Max, and most important -- it's a HONDA!

    I, on the other hand, won't touch a Honda, any Honda.

    The why is the strength of the Yamaha, which is better as the Honda.

    Don't forget Honda is the "in" thing in Thailand, hence the higher 2nd hand value.

    Got nothing to do with being better.

    Your end line says it all: it's a Honda!

    So what?

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Trump has to be fuming!!!!!  This just made my day.  Trump and the Republicans are going down.  This goes to show the people do care about the issues and won't just vote a single party ballot. 


    What a huge defeat, and huge loss of face for Trump.


    Lovin it!

    Of course the 50 year old sex conduct accusations area boon for the democrats.

    Easily made, unprovable, and highly effective.

  10. 29 minutes ago, speckio said:

    talk to a lawyer! 


    I would not under any circumstance recommend a marriage thai laws are very draconian in favor of women when it comes to disputes regarding marriage and children. She will have power over you once you are married.

    I'd say it is the same in the west.

  11. 56 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

    What happened to Libya?  On the last World Atlas list they had Libya at a rate double that of Thailand's, this time they are not even on the list, and it is only a matter of months between the lists being released, its difficult to imagine that Libya has turned things around so dramatically, seems more likely they have not submitted their statistics and remain at the top.


    Most are in boats trying to reach Italy.

    Many drown en route.

    But most are picked up by the do-gooders taxi service.

  12. 14 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

    The SRT couldn't organise a party at a Chang brewery....useless. 

    In view of the sometimes antiquated tracks, signalling and rolling stock here and there, plus all the work being done upgrading the tracks,  I do think, having some experience in railways, the SRT does what it can do, while now with the renewed investment into rail traffic by the government, things will go and are going better.

  13. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    There have been some who are calling for the long term arrest of those two men who bared bottom for their photo of Wat Arun....  This I think is too extreme for a relatively 'daft crime'... it is issues such as this [Line Group Toddler Rape] which the police really need to spend their time and resources on to ensure that such abominable human trash are removed from society. 


    I don't believe such appalling examples of humanity can be rehabilitated... both the providers and the users of such images need sentencing to such a degree that they are simply unable to ever do the same thing again, degrees of sentencing which sends out the message to other potential criminals that such actions are and will be dealt with to the utmost extremes of the law.


    In cases such as this the death penalty is not too extreme - these people have thrown away their right to be part of humanity.





    The death penalty is murder, state sanctioned murder.

    Supporters of this kind of murder are easily downgrading themselves to supporting lynching, thereby showing their medieval instincts.

    Very long and harsh prison sentences seem to do the same for revenge feelings, probably have the same results for crimes, and are repairable if judicial failures are made.

  14. 1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

    Yeah, all 20 or 30 would've been better, but 5 drug couriers assuming room temperature works for me.   5 dead is better than six times that number rounded up for a ridiculous photo op and then simply paying their way out somewhere...



    Well, don't forget the five dead are probably just the mules.

    Of course the real criminals stay out of the firing line.

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