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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Its called work you lazy fart. Something we all have to do. And most of us with any brain and backbone do that without that chemical Sj!t. But he, they probably threat you always like a little prins that dont have to do anything and dont know anything about responsibility. Am i close?
  2. Nothing new. Nothing about the driving skills here that surprice me anymore.
  3. And many more will follow as long drivers of these cars think they are Max Verstappen, there car is a F1 car and they can use their phone, alcohol or drugs when they are on the road.
  4. interesting.thought. I saw this one on the web: Ganjacentre.com . is it his?
  5. im hurt by your words. But still love you mate
  6. Another brainless weak person. Just walk away and have the evening of your life with 5 girls at once (or boys in this case), have a bottle of good stuff and end the day with a good spliff. Next day is a new one again with new adventures.
  7. Which in many cases makes life much better
  8. i love the man. always did and ........ah well. just had a nice spliff.
  9. Be sure that if these things (magic Mushies) will come to the "free" market serious accidents will happen.
  10. let them take them off and you can judge for yourself
  11. or any mainstream media outlet
  12. Nuckle heads. all this aggression in name of ............. world would be much better if religion would be forbidden. i know.....that wont happen
  13. That means taking resposibility for your own actions..............Not here
  14. Should teachers hit students?.........What a stupid question. Their is absolutely no excuus for hitting a student. I think that many teachers here can not stand that their students maybe know more about something then they do due to the use of internet. Also have these teachers get used to the fact that student can ask questions. They are there to learn something and not just look at a person that see him/herself as a authority.
  15. or people shouldnt just order. no prices no business
  16. So that make it clear that they should allow smoking cannabis (20+) and prohibit that stuff in any kind of food. Much easier to control
  17. There we go. The pick up boys that think the are driving a F1 car and their name is Max Verstappen. Oh and always treat you on a nice smoke plum.
  18. That has led to an explosion in its recreational use, something that government officials - concerned about negative effects on health and productivity often linked to uncontrolled use of the drug - have retropectively tried to discourage. In Thailand????????? ???? Source: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/thailand-cannabis-cafes-tourism/index.html
  19. Neh, that wont happen so mast. Just a matter of adept.
  20. Unfortunaly big changes ahead in G@nja land. At the end of the road only a small group of people will be able to sell it for medical use. Or will there be some loopholes in the new law? It can go anyware but im afraid that the free selling will be over soon.
  21. It seems he got piercings in his willy and a dragon tattood on his back........You wouldnt say he?
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