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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. 4 hours ago, internationalism said:

    sandbox is to play in enclosed space, like phuket, samui, koh chang.

    If you try to play in a capital city agglomeration of 15mln people and some 25% of the country population, that's not a sandbox anymore.

    Some 2mln seniors in thailand (out of 12mln) are not vaccinated even with 1 dose. In Bangkok there are still hundreds thousands of them.

    Yep, to bad. Shall we just go on with life again???

  2. On 3/30/2022 at 10:27 AM, DeaconJohn said:

    Always good to be in Chiang Mai whatever time of year.

    The USA that I grew up in no longer exists.

    A resentful and violent demographic has changed it out of recognition.

    sounds familiar. The same in the Netherlands. Was a great country to live in in the 70's/80's. From the late 90's it deteriorated to what it is today....... A drama. I only come here to see family and friends, but for the rest I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Thailand, with all its pros and cons, is a great country to live in and live a wonderfully simple life.

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  3. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    People on here are always saying how much their children give to them, but as one that has never seen it, I wonder exactly what it is that is so wonderful?

    People I know with kids spend a lot of time yelling at them. If children are so wonderful, why do so many turn out as ratbags when they grow up?

    For me it gives me the full life with everything in and on it. And yes, in their puberty they are little devils but after that it will all land on its feet again (my experience). But i think you have to have kids to completely understand.

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  4. On 4/20/2022 at 8:20 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I have no kids and I don't want any kids. Here are some reasons.


    If I would have kids then I would try to do my best for my kids. That includes good parental care, good school, a house with a garden, etc.


    Kids, especially in Thailand, are very expensive. Spending 1 million THB per year or even more for one child in a good school is not unusual.

    I think kids should grow up in a house with a garden, maybe in a quiet street, something like that. Up country that is easy, in Bangkok that is very expensive.

    I don't think it is a good idea to let the grand parents look after the children all the time. But it seems that is what happens in Thailand a lot. Is that great for the kids? I have my doubts.

    I am sure if I would have a pretty girl as my child I would worry a lot. I know some fathers who bring their girls everywhere with a car because they don't want that the girls are alone on the streets.

    I know lots of fathers with kids and an ex. They still pay for them but often the kids don't want to see the father and/or don't like the father.


    If someone really likes kids and is ready to spend lots of time with the kids and is able to afford them and has a loving wife then please go ahead. If not then don't.

    And don't have children with the idea in the back of your head that they will take care of you when you are old. They won't! Or ar least you can't rely on the fact that they want to take care of you.

    As a father of 2 wonderful girls i can say that i didnt want to miss it. But is it always roseflower and sunshine? No way. They cost me a few years of my live. But for me its worth it. It brings live in me with all the ups and downs. But now they are on their own feet and im happy that i dont have that responsibility anymore and live as a free man again and enjoy life in Thailand.

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