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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Sometimes it works for you and sometimes it doesnt. Overall i like the idea that i can pay things of with relative small money. In my home country youve got corruption on a different level which is much more expensive and doesnt change anything in a positive way for you.
  2. im 55 now and thats good to read mate. Enjoy
  3. Grow in the wrong sense. And now to what I have and see and experience. can be little things.
  4. Same here. But i also think its temporary. Maybe a part of mid life C. A few years ago i had days that i would be happy if i didnt wake up anymore but nowdays i have more and more happy moments. I started to focus on different things in life and forget about the things i thought were important in the years before. So keep it up mate.
  5. Realy????? okee: They - politician. Sinister Organization - Big company (lobby groups). Enjoy the day.
  6. That was maybe long long ago. Now its the corporated State that decide what happens.
  7. If only I had a teacher who tried to explain pitagoras' theorem stoned. Would liked to see the outcome.
  8. dont forget to take zinc tablets in combination.
  9. I never wear those mask outside. Only inside public places. Never had any problem with the bib. Anyone other experience?
  10. Yep there goes the street vendor with the "special number" overprized tickets. And again greed shoots itself in the foot.
  11. That is because the majority that have to deal with Corona experience a kind of flu. Feel bad for a few days and thats it. I hope your wife will feel better soon.
  12. Are we talking about my wife in the shopping mall?
  13. Ah in that case its time and borrowed money that is his enemy. That goes the same for all the borrowed fiat money. And btc is not a mean of payment. its an investment. Better to compare with gold which you also not use to pay your food/drinks.
  14. And that is why Central Banks are quiet busy with the CBDC? There will be a landslide with fiat money. The system is bankrupt and the debt will never paid back in full. If we lucky systems are not default on their interest obligations.
  15. Based on debt. poverty will grow till extreme hights. stay of execution
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