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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. 51 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Again! Totally deceptive misinformation. Vaccines are quite effective at preventing transmission. In the case of delta, very much so and in the case of omicron about 50%. The research and date have been posted here many times.


    This is like an omicron reinfection. This abhorrent deception keeps being repeated despite plenty of science refuting it. It's just lying.

    And what about your own immunity system?

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  2. I was here after the Taksin period so can not judge him. This government is, and i put it mildly, not the best for the country. But which government is? I live here now for 5 years and the longer you live here the more you see reality. And this reality is not always beautiful. But on the moments that things start to anoy me i think back of my "home" country and see that live here is still pretty good. If i would move to, lets say Vietnam, im sure that i would feel myself in heaven for the first few years. Then the same will happen again. So for me Thailand is a fine place to stay.

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  3. 6 hours ago, alextrat1966 said:

    My wife, who by the way isn’t Thai, got sent by her company to handle a project in Thailand for a few months. 

    Simple as that. 

    alextrat1966 is just a username. Neither is my name Alex, nor do I live in Trat, nor was I born in 1966 ????

    Yep, respect

  4. On 2/4/2022 at 2:33 AM, alextrat1966 said:

    Sure, everyone has the right not to take the vaccine. But so do business owners have the right not to let unvaccinated people enter their businesses, or fly aboard their airplanes, and so do countries have the right not to let the unvaccinated enter. 


    Any choice you make in life, has consequences (no matter in regards to vaccines or not). If you freely make a choice, you must manly take the consequences. 

    What a whole lot of rubbish. especially now with the Omicron variant. People who have a vaccine dont have to be scared. And the amount of hospitalised not exploding and the impact of this variant is getting back to the level of a flu. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

    It's a ridiculous policy.  I did a lot of travel last year and in the 10 countries or so I visited, only a PCR test before departure was required.  If that.  A few had NO requirements if you were fully vaccinated.


    Time for Thailand to wake up and open the doors to fully vaccinated tourists.

    Even the rule of being vaccinated can be dropped as we know that the vaccine only works for about 4/5 months. Or they have to adjust the rule into "vaccinated not longer then 4 months ago". Wonder when we will see that vaccination is also not one of the requirements anymore.

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  6. On 1/18/2022 at 7:57 PM, Nkpjed said:

    Thailand really needs to address the issue of the critical level of Immature Thai males having no grasp on reality.


    this piece of sh$t needs to be executed


    I think this problem starts when the man is a little boy. The are treated here like a litlle prince and dont have to do anything. Responsibility is not something that they grow up with. That is something for the girls who still be seen as 2nd rank persons. Sad.

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