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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. On 1/3/2021 at 3:48 AM, djayz said:

    Absolutely yes! The state lottery is a form of gambling and that's legal, so why shouldn't other forms of gambling be legal too? These illegal gambling dens already exist and will continue to do so unregulated, so why not make them legal, regulate the activities and tax the profits? The state could do with the extra revenue. 


    You don't think they already "take" enough?

  2. On 12/28/2020 at 11:20 AM, 4MyEgo said:

    Understand what your saying, however from what I have read in the past, one of the returnees who didn't quarantine took a flight or a bus to Bangkok, now that in itself would allow the virus to spread all the way from Bangkok to Pattaya, Samut Sakhon and anywhere else you would like, and the virus is only picked up when people feel sick enough to go to the hospital and get tested, most would stay home and fight is off as a flu or be asymptomatic.


    I can't believe what my wife told me over breakfast this morning, i.e. a Thai woman posted on her Facebook page that she went to a hospital feeling ill, after first losing her sense of smell and taste, then a temperature and aches and pains, the hospital staff asked her if she had been in any of the affected areas, no she said, so they refused to test her, she later went to a private hospital and paid 8,000 baht and was tested positive with the virus, and the government now has to reimburse her. She was telling everyone where she was and at what times and telling people to get tested, now is this is true, and hospitals won't test people who haven't been in affected areas, but have the symptoms, then this is so wrong.


    At first I thought that can't be right, then I though about it for a minute, the government is asking Thai's to donate money so they can buy the vaccines, after only ordering about a 1/3 for the Thai population, so skimping on testing makes sense, although absurd if true.  

    No testing = No virus. I can not believe that Thailand was, almost, Covid-free. If i think back at the big markets in Chiang mai in the first few months this year. Completely packed with chinese. There had to be a major spread of the virus. 

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  3. On 12/25/2020 at 9:39 AM, Nsp64 said:

    They sold out their culture to the mighty Baht.

    There's no real culture left in Thailand, just a few corrupt temples with plastic effigies. 

    Prostitution, corruption, scams, pollution, racism.....i miss the thailand I first came to love.  But its gone now and will never return.

    Sad to see a nation i loved and respected disapear into the swamp of despair. 

    It is indeed. But its something you see all over the world. Things are changing pretty fast and with that also the behaviour of people. And unfortunately not always is a good way. But there is also another thing that makes things unpleasant and that is Social Media. Always ask yourself the question, if i didnt hear, read all the things would my feeling and thoughts about things also be as negative as it is now? I live in Thailand but this moment im stuck in Europe. But when i am in Thailand i hardly read/hear any news and not using any Social Media. I dont speak the language (talk English with my wife) for the reason that i dont want to hear/understand all the complaining. And i must say that when im in Thailand my mind is much more relaxed and the world looks much better then when im in Europe where i hear/read all of it and notice that, with that,  im sinking into "the swamp" again. Maybe this approach will also help you. Anyway, merry christmas (and that goes to all the people here)  and keep it up.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Couldn't agree more. Before we start having a go at the Thai's, many should look at their home countries who have embraced xenephobia through Brexit, the rise of the far right in Europe and downright racism with Trump. 
    Illegal immigrants (or just foreigners in general) have been the butt of political expediancy for centuries and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. 

    Maybe we better just say that there are to many shortsighted and brainless people on this earth. You find them everywere. 

  5. On 12/9/2020 at 3:04 AM, mlkik said:

    Only long stay tourists will come as no short time tourists will pay for 15 nights in quarantene. However the Thai government must keep quarantene as it is essential to prevent a covid outbreak here.

    They are now having a problem from Thai workers returning from Myanmar and sneaking back into the country and not quarantening and being found positive.

    I am now on my 3rd day in a ASQ in Bangkok and have no complaints as I have just come fro the UK where 60,000 people have died from covid 19.

    Most of them would probably died anyway within a short term. Covid just gave them the final push. 

    • Sad 2
  6. On 12/5/2020 at 6:00 AM, smutcakes said:

    No doubt there will be Thai & Myanmar officials, military etc getting their pockets filled from this. Dont expect to see much investigation into how, who have been helping these girls cross over the borders- I am sure there is plenty turning a blind eye for the correct price.


    I expect they also enjoy the hospitality as well.

    Or get some pockets empty

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