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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Wait until some traitor sells the electronic codes to China.
  2. The existing laws state that this man must be treated as a refugee until the required legal process is completed. Until the claims are substantiated he may be given liberty. Yes the treaties and laws are F-ed up, and yes successive governments are useless on this issue, and yes he should be locked up and thrown out. However, anytime a government tries to respond, hundreds of thousands turn out to protest and peple like corbyn, abott, church leaders, immans and labour unions assemble to block the changes. The problem is the lack of spine in the UK. One thing trump is doing well has been to stop the massive inflow of migrants into the usa. The UK can learn from that.
  3. a ketamine-fueled buffoon charged with purging the civil service. Beautiful prose
  4. Know why they have dirt roads in Afghanistan? So NATO troops can be wasted serving US political adventures. The French were good enough for the US to rely on them in Africa to contain the Islamic jihadists.
  5. They can't do much. The Thai authorities have to respond to a complaint, and they rarely do.
  6. Trickle down economics and initiating massive budget deficits in large part because of tax cuts for a small group.
  7. Not at all, You are claiming that you have many projects in the pipeline. Wonderful for you, but it has no relevance if not taken in consideration of the total numbers. If the total number of projects and their values is reduced, then it means that others are not enjoying the same success you are bragging about and that does have a negative impact.
  8. And your point is? Your having projects means nothing for the greater good if the total value of all projects has decreased.
  9. Ok, but others would prefer not to leave a malignant tumor growing. Others don't want to ignore their dental health. Your desires are for your life and fortunately you have no say in national admninistration.
  10. Only because it's best friend Germany turned on it. Russia was an aggressive ally of the Nazis and enabled WWII. It's pact with the Nazis emboldened the Nazis. Russia invaded and annexed part of China as a vile colonial occupier. Together with the Nazis it attacked Poland. It was Russia who attacked and annexed the peaceful non threatening Baltic states in 1940. It was Russia who attacked Finland. Russia's expansionism and pursuit of land and resources in effect forced the Nazis to consider Russia as an enemy state. East Europeans had good reason to fear Russia and look to Germany as a means to defend against the Russian barbarians.
  11. Your nonsense might be dismissed as an illinformed opinion, but when it ignores documented evil acts, it speaks to an underlying intentional intent to mislead and present false information. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down by Russian-backed forces with a Buk 9M38 surface-to-air missile on 17 July 2014, while flying over eastern Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew were killed. Between January and February 2022, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and up to 500 recruited ATO veterans attempted to overthrow the Ukrainian government and install pro-Russian rule in various cities for their further surrender to the Russian Army. Amongst those recruited include the Chechen Kadyrovites, Wagner Group mercenaries, and other pro-Russian forces, particularly past Party of Regions members (including former Yanukovych officials) and individuals affiliated with Ukrainian Choice. The plan was ultimately cancelled after its key individuals were detained n Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, and Odesa Oblasts by SBU and National Police forces.
  12. This is your opinion. RSV and Influenza are highly infectious and unless you are in critical condition, you can recover at home where you will not infect others. If you have COPD, Were you vaccinated against RSV and flu? Because you think a processed beef patty at a junk food purveyor was once larger, you belive that Thailand is better? You are obviously biased and looking for anything to reinforce you bias. McDonald's beef pattys are consistent in size and recipe. It is a universal standardization. A big mac is the same in Japan as it is Canada or the USA. Standardization is a cornerstone of the company. That's why the milkshake machines are always out of service and the company doesn;t offer them anymore in many countries.
  13. Easy answer. Look at the air quality index. A bit difficult to enjoy life when your lungs are being destroyed.
  14. Economies always survive. The quality though is a different matter. The US economy continued during the Great Depression, but many citizens starved or froze to death. US has had multiple economic meltdowns where its poor die and its wealthy often lose their fortunes. No worries, right?
  15. Can't do surgery and most care without medical supplies like surgical gowns, gloves, masks etc. Would you want your physician checking your prostate bare handed? How about your dentist doing a root canal without a mask or gloves?
  16. or maybe a castle in the sky? Makes as much sense. The Russian bots lies keep getting exposed.
  17. When respected, it ensures secure and reliable supply chains. During Covid, the USA broke multiple agreements and screwed Canada over a few times on medical supplies andt ried to really <deleted> them over on vaccines. EU respected its vaccine supply agreement with Canada and showed how it works when particapants are ethical. see explanation below and it shows the USA to be untrustworthy. Done at demand of USA. Canada was reluctant and wanted to negotiate with China. USA was very pushy. Russia was defeated in Afghanistan. The US funded and supplied Taliban and others, inflicted terrible losses on Russia and the Russian conscripts wanted out. The war was bankrupting Russia and wasn't worth it. You will be singing a different tune when China annexes low populated New Zealand. Easy to do. 9,500 active military can be neutralized in a few days and the population are docile. USA won't defend and Australians would not be able to. China can sail a flotilla within a week and apply Trump's logic of needing New Zealand for self defense.
  18. What is crazy? It is relative. Yes, on some routes like Thailand -Japan and in premium classes on premium airlines, it is expensive. On other airlines it is not. E.G.post Songkran Apil/May, Continental EU in Economy is wll under 30,000 baht RT. Longer routes to YVR or LAX are under 30,000 baht too. Flights to Australia are 14,500-18,000 baht. Domestic airfares are 1700-2500 RT in Y countrywide. That is still inexpensive. I don't know why some consumers think they should still be able to fly for sub 1000 baht airfares. Operating costs all increased and fares reflect those increases. Airfare in Thailand remains affordable and inexpensive.
  19. Labour law says what is allowable. Show me a UK labour contract that gives up the legal right of protection before adjudication.
  20. Until the charge is proven, a worker cannot be suspended without pay. It applies to everyone.
  21. Lufthansa is sticking its nose into a region where it is unwanted. BR, NH and SQ are all star alliane carriers and provide a better quality of service. The fact that LH still only offers dual seating in Business class says it all. Adding insult to injury are the seat surcharges for business. I avoid Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian because of their format.
  22. Harry Truman was a WWI veteran. and saw service in France. Dwight Eisenhowser was the concialiatory commander of the allies in WWII. Both men would have been disgusted by what is going on today.
  23. I would have used the term ignorant. Your statement was apolitical and valid. Tesla sales are tanking. Space X just had another catastrophic loss. He needs to get back to his knitting.
  24. What would you like them to do? If the law allows for the man to keep his pay, then their hands are bound. No point in wasting legal fees to pursue a case they cannot win.
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