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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. WIOn Thailand ?
  2. He confirm his own lies !
  3. Is maybe start a "welcome home Thaksin" Club ? Never know when, where and probable involve very fast travel in new places to stay ahead of "interested" peoples ?
  4. Bad reporting ? Politics quitting Prawit read better !
  5. Has been told to me many common cat in S.E.A have genetic mutation from inbreeding that cause bad shape tail. We have had one with no tail same like Manx . Also a Korat cat and Konja to look at. But maybe only look like? Personality true to legend.
  6. Same like Tiramisu real cheesecake is expensive ingredients in Thailand an not quick to produce. I make but never let people see in whole ! I am no Bruce Lee !????
  7. There is some who can feel reason not agree. But to be opportunity thief can happen also with no excuse with people not poor or with children. Is maybe Park owner saw reality of parents and young child ? He has earned some true merit anyway.
  8. I remember to see many people here laugh about warnings before. Foggers humming in our village 3 days last week. Any vaccine is no good if already when over 60 years so laugh may be last one !
  9. Oh if only ! So many world issue that apply to !
  10. Being not a "yes " man is not the popular choice ?
  11. Nepalese people are ......genuine. Rare population !
  12. I am impressed you have permission to post such radical opinion ...even if not yet .
  13. So nice. Do they also have Carbonara laced with chillies?
  14. For to pressure switch to detect pressure drop when on tap can be slow if system has filter that need replaced. Or if on pressure switch of new pump install "differential "setting is wide a delay is to be noticed. To call person who has knowledge of how such can be made is best advice. New pump of different brand may have different preset.
  15. Trends seem to be elimination of genuine debate over issues of importance or alternative philosophies. Generic discussion about stars of fictional drama are welcome so long as it provides advertisement potential ! GabbaGobilin anyone?
  16. Explain this way maybe: To suggest family of assumed corrupt should suffer is same as North Korea punishings. What difference infant and child and mother are to be punished in actions in which have no part? Need lock away whole family of every person who is guilty of crime? I agree the Senators have no honor but have no criminal judgement. Yet some suggest threat against family ! Is so easy to issue such words as if from perfect position ?
  17. Sins of the father? I pity any issue from your "perfect" loins ! Even those you might deny !
  18. I again need find translation of topic statement . Now understand Pita will be named "candidate" again next week ! Confused because .......
  19. Professional beggars be everywhere . Face to face is personal choice. Charities with logo and famous names employ themselves first. Stand in Indian rail station to watch suits and tie change to beggar rags in morning and reverse in evening ! Trust a beggar no more than lawyer was my fathers advice.
  20. Some big older home supply shop have . Or can show information to supply. No much cheaper than western countries even if from China. Same money can employ local person to use grass cutter for many hours/days !
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