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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. Is it wrong to question motiv? History can make for questions if what is reveald or reminded can make questions legitimate ! Ukraine being depopulated, much land going to foreign buyer. EU countries already absorbd how many million cheap refugee worker? Not so many gone year UK was angry for so many Polish taking work.
  2. In propaganda war the ones on the side of biggest bestest media not want to think too far because is safer to agree with. Many ways to be honest sceptic of Nato intention. If Russia was accepted at time it asked for then under rules of Nato Russia would be now neutralize. Refused because Nato need Russia as enemy to keep war machine soak in oil !
  3. Maybe there is some who like to deny worst possibility. Sandflies can carry fatal disease. Leishmaniasis. Old and weak people can easy die so is good to avoid biting. Protect any small wound where this bugs likes to feed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5361524/
  4. Is this relevant to unattractive obese gay escapees from the US who have gravitated through Asia to take refuge in Pattaya?
  5. Or is concern from Wagner fighters no p-ay coming from Putin now boat is rocking? These are not conscript! They expect money agreed to to die ?
  6. "Crab Stick" has been made same process in many places in tworld since decades. It is other foods that have been plasticised to look for. In French fries has no word in to say is only potato. Chicken/fish nuggets? You want to know real? There are people laugh at Thai who eat bugs. But they know what they eat really !
  7. Pink T-shirt and brown pants? omg !
  8. No. No experience, lisense, helmut already? You wish make Temporary Thai ?
  9. why is news ? so many thing of better interest at local Government hospital A&E .
  10. A good friend who has evangelical wife is not sure if earth is flat. He has sailboat and I have been out sight of land on it. He say to me " look at horizon which people say prove earth is round. But why is horizon a straight line? ". I ask if he has more good wine .
  11. Is only the one thing even parking official in all Asia can give pride! Anyone can blow a whistle !
  12. Thailand not exclusive.
  13. Same as scam of religion all places. I have a lucky palm but never win lottery.
  14. First it is news many stressed are leaving nursing and doktoring. How making new positions is to work ?
  15. If you need lie you need leave.
  16. I must laugh at "wine is stored correct" . Near all is import and how it trvel nobody evr see! Really good wine never come because will die on the way.
  17. Nobody seem to see that people Thai are not so isolate from opinion outside. Problem for traditional control is not able to keep from new understanding from internet information. MFP has no history but that not mean they have no understanding to make good change.
  18. Yes. Many time assistant people have asked and direct me to go with my Thai wife through that way
  19. I have just now been referred to your unusually brief "edit" as you have termed it. That you so willingly self denigrate by offering said word gives me cause to conclude you suffer a significant degree of solipsistic delusion coupled with a trite contrived intellectual persona. Offerings of many youtube clips in suggestion of some worldly comprehension are devoid of similar era reference to pertinent items from "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" as an example. Too close to home? Regardless it is boring.
  20. And ? I am checking my mathematics and so 43 % are hetero or not bi/ gay. So more are which ?
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