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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. He will be as fit as fiddle as soon as he is released. Well, maybe a limp as long as the cameras are rolling.
  2. He used to be funny, but his monologues nowadays sound very contrived, good for a chuckle or two at best. Definitely not a nitwit though. What I don't like about him is he fancies himself progressive left leaning, enlightened, down to earth, when he is nothing of the sort he is right wing in a progressive disguise.
  3. He also was of Chinese Vietnamese ancestry. One of the Red shirt leaders called him a Yuan or something, supposedly a derogatory term for Vietnamese.
  4. Shocking???I was expecting marital infidelities, a bevy of mistresses,accusations of rape, something Trumpian .
  5. Episode 2 of the Shinawatra clan drama series: Rearrested, back to prison, another "heart attack/stroke/epileptic fit/vertigo..,and back to the police hospital luxury suite.
  6. In general, they treat them like Thais, which means it's hell on earth. Not personal experience, know someone who was in the BKK Hilton for a couple of years. It's very tough.
  7. They don't rule the whole city of Lopburi, it's mainly the temple itself, and a couple of streets around it. They don't venture out much more than 500 meters from the temple. They seem to be territorial, a bit like dogs.
  8. Man am I glad I don't live in Thailand anymore.
  9. Just a lot more hilarious than a cooking show, almost as entertaining as the orange Jesus show across the Pacific. Politics has never been as entertaining as it is now.
  10. Yes, after two emergency operation for life threatening ailments, and months of a difficult, touch and go recuperation process, it's a miracle he is still alive. A godsend for Siam as he is the only one who has the capabilities to fix the nation' s problem.
  11. The moaning that followed the fall. Things don't moan.
  12. All the documents you have to submit to get a METV, plus you can only get it in your country of residence, the gold standard of tourist visas, and then this. Incredible. Goes to show that the only consistency in LOS is inconsistency.
  13. It started tightening and got much more expensive under Thaksin. Yes, there has been further tightening post Thaksin, but it has been gradual The Shinawatras did the quantum leap .
  14. It has had the visa exempt option for a long time already fora limited number of countries (about a dozen European countries and a couple of Asian countries) They extended the period from 15 days to 45 days last year. The e-visa is good for up tob90 days, and all nationalities can apply.
  15. No limit on visa exempt entries into Vietnam. And it's 45 days now, not 15 days.
  16. It's all in the Buddhist holy scriptures.
  17. The recently reopened "Tony " gym at South Pattaya road/3rd road intersection is basically empty most of the time. It's at a noisy busy intersection ,so not the cleanest air to breathe there. 120 Baht a day pass. Never seen more than 2 or 3 people working out there.Sometimes it's completely empty.
  18. One of onward ticket companies gives you the option of a booking that is valid for 2 weeks. That should be sufficient for an e-visa application.
  19. What is going on in your skull?A whirlpool of insanity producing one world salad after another. Incomprehensible and impossible to follow (just like when the orange retard opens his mouth).Are you off your meds?You need help from a professional. Or is it just an extremely low IQ.
  20. Uttered from the largest bubble of fascist retards ever created. That bubble feeds on itself. Stupid attracts stupid, and grows dumber in the process. It's so much easier to be a moron.You don't have to read books, reason and use your intelligence.You just have to blurt out what pops into your head, which is dictated by your pettiness, your xenophobia, your frustrations, your hatred, your lack of education and mental abilities. The orange one embodies all this, and is a magnet for his fellow deplorables. Aristotle was right ,freedom and democracy are impossible in a society of uneducated members, that are guided by passion, not by reason. The USA, therefore, is ineligible for a truly free and democratic system. Maybe it deserves the orange retard.
  21. Bigger dogs can eat you too.😁
  22. What long-term effect does anything ultimately have? We all gonna die,and the whole universe is ultimately going to either explode in one giant supernova or end in an eternal total,cold entropic inertia. Two answers to that question that Camus asked in the "Myth of Sisyphus : 1)Yours, do nothing because in the end it's all pointless anyway, which followed to it's logical conclusion would lead to suicide. Or 2.Camus answer/also the Buddha's answer:focus on the here and now, try to do your best in improving whatever you are capable of improving, do your part in enlightening your fellow creatures, and let the universe do what it has to do.
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