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Everything posted by WHansen

  1. The pen is mightier than the sword, until it runs out of ink.
  2. A similar comment from myself was about to be posted.
  3. An under trained, sleep deprived, drunk, or high Thai driver is not an appealing prospect for anyone coming to Thailand, everyone knows how bad Thai drivers are and how dangerous the roads are because of their zero competence behind the wheel. The chins are no doubt aware of this and choose to put one of their countrymen in the drivers seat. If i had the option of a western driver to take me somewhere rather than a Thai, i would jump at it. Being in a vehicle with a Thai driving terrifies me.
  4. Hi all. Read through this thread but didn't find the answers... I have always come to Thailand on a 60 day SETV and extended by 30 days. Is it just a case of now buying my return flight and turn up at the airport ? Do i need any of the old documents with me that would have been uploaded to the Thai Visa site, like rental agreement etc ?
  5. 3rd world Thailand at it again.
  6. Like everything else, Thailand is stuck in its ways and will refuse to adapt
  7. What's manufactured in china under licence from large companies includes strict quality control implemented by the said large company. Everything else is total garbage, made from sub standard materials and assembled by imbeciles.
  8. Well done, you have just shown the whole forum your complete lack of class.
  9. With the amount of grow rooms and availability in the UK i am very surprised there is still money to be made from smuggling weed, especially if outdoor grown.
  10. I hope someone has explained that boxing is a one on one battle, they can't turn up with pickup full of mates for the fight.
  11. The way you're fighting the EV corner seems like you've bought one of the pieces of c*** and are trying to justify the mistake to yourself 😂
  12. I've seen around 25 countries and other than Tunisia, Thailand is the scruffiest. There's plenty to keep me coming back, but beauty is definitely not one of them.
  13. Due to overcrowding, the jails are full immigrants. Not standard practice like here.
  14. Voted highly by travellers that have never used a different airline
  15. Hopefully he loses a fortune
  16. Being a regular user myself, i do agree with many posters but... lets not forget that anything above 0.2% THC for recreational use has always been illegal. All those that jumped on the bandwaggon trying to make a financial killing knew the risks.
  17. Thai sponsers choosing a Thai kids design. No surprise.
  18. Or just use your brains and don't open links from unknown senders. An email may well say it's from a bank but click the on the senders name and the emails origin becomes clear.
  19. Even Malaria bearing mosquitos are leaving Burma
  20. Another poster not understanding the comment before replying. As per usual.....
  21. Thailands opinions mean nothing to anyone
  22. 555 they can't even get the E-gates operating correctly.
  23. Really ? I am an avid fan and both are mediocre at best.
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