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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Shooting was an assassination attempt against Trump, FBI says
  2. The number of illegals who illegally vote is tiny. Your panties are in a bun over nothing. You have been spun up by the puppet masters, who will discard you after the election.
  3. This would all be forgotten the day after the election if Trump wins. If you are truly concerned about MS-13, go to Central America and save the children.
  4. All you are saying is that it's likely that the candidate who received 14 million votes during the primaries will win the nomination. You seem to be an astute political observer
  5. Wow. That was a mindless post. Were you drunk when you posted?
  6. Russian collusion was real. Tell me about the Internet Research Agency, and why you think it wasn't real.
  7. Early polls have little predictive value. Polls in October can be very reliable.
  8. It was during the Nixon administration that the "southern strategy" resulted in racist Dems abandoning their party to join the Republicans. As a foreigner, you wouldn't understand this seismic shift in US politics. And, as a foreigner, you don't have any standing to opine about US political history. You only feel you know what is politically useful for you today.
  9. Hey, Trump fans! What's Trump's position on European munitions policy?
  10. The KKK was a force in Democratic politics 60 years ago. Then, it's members abandoned the Dems to join the Republican party.
  11. In the Real World, red states that require a special ID card for voting tend to close offices that issue the cards in predominantly black areas.
  12. What blacks did Trump "lift" when he was president? What did Trump do to lift them? Please be specific.
  13. Nope. Joe is going to hang in there and beat Trump.
  14. And you want to give Trump the nuclear codes? Will he sell them to the Russians?
  15. Biden's worst day is better than Trump's best day.
  16. Nope 14 million people voted for Biden to be the Democratic nominee. A handful of politicians and TV commentators aren't going to overturn those votes.
  17. My recollection is that all such visas were cancelled during COVID.
  18. Now, Americans who want to get a Chinese tourist visa (L-visa) no longer have to submit proof of a round-trip flight booking, a hotel reservation, an organized itinerary or a letter of invitation.
  19. The question is how many jobs were created by Biden after Trump was fired by the voters?
  20. You are living in the past. There was a bump in inflation a couple of years ago due to COVID. Biden brought it under control. I can't recall a President since Reagan who similarly controlled inflation.
  21. 1000s of weed shops all over Thailand are going to close on January 1, 2025. That's going to result in 37 very disappointed customers.
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