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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. They tried that before the Civil War, with some states opting for Slavery. Would you be okay with that?
  2. It's unusual for a racist comment to exempt Asian men.
  3. The stock market is up. Inflation is down. Unemployment is down. Thanks for reminding me.
  4. We are at the stage now, where Biden's usual gaffes are magnified. But here's a question for you: how many such gaffes does it take to disqualify a candidate?
  5. Biden has good days and bad days. Trump has only bad days. If he had a schedule like Biden's, you would see his decline. But Trump hides at Mar-A-Lago. Sad, really.
  6. I can see why you don't care that the stock market doubled between Trump and Biden.
  7. Biden gave an impromptu speech yesterday at the AFL-CIO, and was pretty good. I suspect he has the occasional bad day, but Trump has bad days every day.
  8. He took advantage of the Social Security system to rob taxpayers. Nothing to do with "wokeness". But he stole the big bucks under Trump, so I guess that Fascists are easier to fool than Liberals.
  9. Nope. Millions of illegals get in, but this guy took advantage of Trump to steal big taxpayer dollars
  10. From what I can tell, the Russians counter-attacked in Vovchansk and rescued their soldiers.
  11. I am definitely not voting for Obama in 2024. Nor for Trump, who let this illegal steal taxpayer dollars.
  12. Trump picked the 3 SC justices who overturned Roe, and he claims credit for it.
  13. And he is going to Federal prison, for benefits received during the Trump administration. He was caught under Biden. So, what's your point? Yet another screw-up by Trump, but there are so many. Thanks for sharing.
  14. You seem to live in a country that is not the USA. How is your 401K doing?
  15. Biden has deported more illegals than Trump. As did Obama.
  16. And there are those who support Trump even though he is showing clear signs of dementia.
  17. That's right out of the Nazi playbook - blame millions for the actions of a few.
  18. I watched Biden today, speaking off the cuff to the AFL-CIO, and he seemed very lucid. Unlike your leader Trump who rambles on about electrocution vs sharks.
  19. I would agree with you... except that the people who say that tend to only hire white people.
  20. Really? Do you know the Biden cultists? Or is that just projection on your part?
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