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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Republican minions of Trump. But no problem, you can post any data showing voter fraud in 2020 sufficient to change the results.
  2. Your prediction won't stand up The proof is the effort by Dems to get the VP job. The election is between young and smart and old and crazy.
  3. I'm not sure. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan would be a good choice.
  4. "All of the money"? Really? Can you compare the money the UK spends on Ukraine vs the UK military budget? You seem to base your opinion on feelings rather than facts.
  5. It's a very simple concept that you seem unable to grasp: Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine that has resulted in massive casualties. What part of this don't you understand?
  6. Did any of you Trump fans watch his speech in its entirety?
  7. It sounds like Trump wants to give Israel permission to eliminate Hamas in Gaza completely. Which would entail thousands more civilian casualties. Ending wars by escalating wars usually turns out badly.
  8. You are correct, the pocket in Vovchansk is still there, but only a few dozen Russian soldiers are still there, hiding in underground chambers.
  9. In other words, Trump would do whatever Putin tells him to do.
  10. Yep. Who knows how many Canadians have crossed the open northern border.
  11. I renewed my US passport with Thai Visa Express in Pattaya. Cost was 10,000 baht, and I received my new passport in about a month.
  12. Virtually every time I see Indians wanting to ride the Pattaya baht bus (they generally travel in groups), they first talk to the driver before getting in. What is that about?
  13. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. There's a long ways to go before November.
  14. You think that Vance was a DEI hire?
  15. As of 2024, Mississippi was the state with the highest gun violence rate per 100,000 residents in the United States, at 29.7 percent, followed by Louisiana, at 28.2 percent. In comparison, Rhode Island had a gun violence rate of 3.1 percent, the lowest out of all the states.
  16. I found a valid 10 year Chinese visa in a passport that expired in 2019.
  17. In another 2016 interview about his book, Vance told a reporter that, although his background would have made him a natural Trump supporter, "the reason, ultimately, that I am not … is because I think that (Trump) is the most-raw expression of a massive finger pointed at other people."
  18. Why did Trump have to pick a new VP? Oh, yeah: he tried to have his last VP killed.
  19. Do you have any facts to back up your claim that the 2020 election was stolen? Specifically data concerning large numbers of altered votes.
  20. Biden wins 53 times out of 100 in our simulations of the 2024 presidential election. I back up my claims with data.
  21. But the vast majority of scientists agree that human pollutants are warming the planet. "crisis" is not a scientific term, so it shouldn't be used by scientists.
  22. So, in your mind, the vast majority of scientists who assume climate change is real are in a cult? Do you also think that anyone who doesn't believe the Earth is flat is in a cult? Do you think that sanity is just a cult?
  23. Only in your mind. Biden is a stronger candidate today than a month ago.
  24. JD Vance was an awful candidate in 2022. He doesn't appeal to anyone outside Trump's base. What he does is make Ohio unassailable for Biden, so maybe Biden won't spend any money there.
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