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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I went to Del Mar once. Got a tip on a long shot pony. The pony won. I never bet on horses again.
  2. There was a very short temperature spike in the 1930s. There was no associated long term warming trend, as is the case now. Scientists are more concerned about the trend, not so much the current record temperatures.
  3. This topic is about the current hot weather. I don't know why you guys slip so easy into the old "no need to fix Global Warming, Al Gore has a big house" nuttery. If your house is in danger of being destroyed by hurricanes or rising sea levels, why should you care if Tom Cruise has a private jet?
  4. It's like a scientist warning about an incoming asteroid, but who has no clue how to stop it. Therefore, the scientist shouldn't tell anyone. Perhaps things are different in New Zealand, but in the rest of the world there are scientists who monitor weather and climate, and other scientists who focus on mitigating global warming.
  5. Does the proposed legislation revoke existing grower licences?
  6. Yes. I remitted one million baht to Thailand this year. It's my Social Security pension for the last decade or so. So I don't have to report it.
  7. Except Michael Cohen. And Trump's secure borders let in 3 million illegals.
  8. So I can remit funds to Thailand, but not report it, and claim it's a large Social Security pension.
  9. Weed shops in my neighborhood seem to be closed.
  10. To be clear, you are suggesting that tax residents simply "hide" income such as US Social Security from a Thai tax return rather than documenting on the return that a DTA shields that US income from Thai taxation. Unfortunately, in a world where Thailand's Revenue Department seriously pursues foreign tax evaders, ignoring Social Security income on your Thai return would be a bad strategy. And there is always the possibility that your Thai marginal tax rate is higher than your US rate (or some US tax deductions don't apply in Thailand), so you would be required to pay the difference in Thailand. Hard to do if you don't report the income in the first place. Note that I am writing about a hypothetical situation, there is still no guidance on whether Farangs who don't work in Thailand will have to file tax returns next year.
  11. As time goes by, and the Revenue Department does little or nothing to prepare for the mass numbers of Farang tax returns supposedly required in 2025, I am beginning to think this is a nothingburger.
  12. Meh. Too many people hate Trump for him to win. Project 2025 will destroy Trump: Banning contraceptives and porn. Bad politically.
  13. My opinion is that the Tories were not so far apart politically from Labour, so the election was really about personalities, tribalism, and people just being tired of the Conservatives.
  14. Is this topic about who will be the Democratic nominee in 2028?
  15. I don't profess to be an expert on coral bleaching, nor do I have time to do the research. I'm sure you have access to scientific papers that inform you of your position.
  16. Nope. It's a war of attrition, similar to WWI between Germany and Russia.
  17. I don't know enough about coral reef to give you an answer. You could be right, I don't know. We will see in a few years.
  18. If Joe's staff knows he is non compos mentis, and are covering it up, they are doing a disservice to the nation. Conversely, if it was one bad night, Biden will be okay if he demonstrates he is okay with live unscripted appearances.
  19. You seem frustrated that you can't back up your claims using reputable media.
  20. It's not an obsession with links, it's an obsession with truth.
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