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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. @illisdean will love this poll. Oh wait, since the polls have turned around for Biden, Illisdean has disappeared. Maybe @Yellowtail can explain this poll.
  2. Your MO now is to point out videos where Biden has just given a speech or participated in some ceremony, and then has nothing to do. He watches the audience or whatever part of the ceremony is still going on, and you obsess over normal behavior. I can remember when Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's and he needed Nancy Reagan to tell him what to say. Or used cue cards. Biden is nowhere near that condition.
  3. Trump's earlier lead in the polls is slowly eroding. The election story will be very different in three months.
  4. He was just standing there, watching some sort of show. Perfectly normal.
  5. No, I mean there are Ukrainian long range missiles. I have seen them.
  6. What does that matter in this topic? Yes, we know you hate the US. Who do you want to win the election in the US in November?
  7. You are off in la-la land. The US has no military need to install missiles in Ukraine. Ukraine already has its own long range missiles. Prepare for your Russian friends to suffer.
  8. Biden was just watching what was going on, same as everyone else in his row.
  9. Nobody is talking about Trump's tax proposal, which is the single worst economic proposal in US history.
  10. If Biden is so senile, why do the right wing trolls have to create fake videos to make him look bad?
  11. Most countries would love to be in the same condition as the US. How about Russia's current death spiral, why aren't you concerned about that?
  12. Flu kills 50,000 a year, COVID was an order of magnitude higher. Russia was particularly hard hit, with over a million excess deaths the first 2 years of the epidemic. You seem indifferent to reality on this issue.
  13. The Soviets put missiles in Cuba to respond to our putting missiles in Greece and Turkey. As a result of the crisis, both sides removed their missiles. The US has no plans or reasons to put nukes in Ukraine, same as we don't put them in Estonia or Poland. Your desire to troll for Putin is becoming unreasonable.
  14. Reports are that the 400 trapped Russian soldiers in the Vovchansk pocket are down to 80.
  15. The election won't be close, Biden will win the electoral vote rather easily. Afterwards, the pundits will say "the economy was so good, nobody could beat Biden".
  16. California is a lock for Biden. Trump won't even campaign there. I hope you are feeling okay.
  17. America became great when traditional politicians were in charge. Why change now?
  18. Is it possible that you simply saw a sale price? The manifestation of the reduced taxes should be reduced prices on imported wine across the board.
  19. I understand you don't want to US to continue as the world's number one power. Trump is a traitor, and will lose in November, and then your chance to destroy the US is gone.
  20. Because you think "destroying Washington" is a good thing. Easy for a foreigner to say, especially a Putin supporter.
  21. I agree. If Biden freezes during the debate, he will be replaced. If Trump freezes, his followers won't care.
  22. You are overly focused on personalities. In America, the political parties run the government when they are elected. So a Biden government and an Obama government are pretty much the same. Trump is the aberration since he won't put Republican experts in charge, his people will run the government. And his people are pretty crazy.
  23. No point in getting worked up over these early polls. The pros are planning their ground game, the Dems have a giant machine, with support from labor unions. The Republicans have Lara Trump.
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