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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. This is where you are detached from reality. Russian military might opposes Western hegemony. But, every day the war rages on, Russian military power lessens. 1,000+ dead Russian soldiers, tanks lost, aircraft lost, every day Western hegemony increases as Russia loses. Putin has been trapped by his mistakes.
  2. There is a new rail line into Crimea from Russia. When that is destroyed, the end is near for the Russians in Crimea.
  3. "Western hegemony", is that the phrase of the day in the troll farms? Yes, I know it's an unpleasant reality that NATO is the dominant military alliance in the world. At least you can console yourself knowing that Belarus will stick with Russia through thick and thin.
  4. Standard war propaganda. Also the video is useful in assessing Russian losses.
  5. Your post is ironic, given that Thailand is filled with Russian draft dodgers. No idea how many there are, but it's a lot. I would talk with them, but I suspect a lot are pro-war. I haven't seen a Ukrainian in Pattaya, though. Perhaps they all went to Germany.
  6. If you are trying to compare civil liberties in Russia with the US, you're out of touch with reality: Over 300 detained in Russia as country mourns the death of Alexei Navalny, Putin’s fiercest foe
  7. This appears to be a fraction of the Russian soldiers trapped in Vovchansk. There are hundreds more trying to get back to Russian lines.
  8. The Biden-⁠Harris Administration Continues to Promote Access to Voting
  9. Your suggestion is that Biden can perform adequately if properly medicated. So, how to get Trump to perform adequately?
  10. It's possible. It's also possible that Biden will do so well that you will post that he's on drugs.
  11. Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces seem to be advancing on some fronts. Has the Russian offensive exhausted itself?
  12. Nothingburger. Lots of people hold a railing while walking down a stairway.
  13. It must really burn your Russian Internet friends that the US is funding the defense of Ukraine.
  14. I do my own research. BTW, there appear to be 400 Russian soldiers trapped in Vovchansk. We will see how this turns out, maybe they will scurry back to Russian lines tonight.
  15. You are citing Russian sources for HIMARS and Patriot losses. AFAIK, only one HIMARS has been destroyed, and one Patriot has been lightly damaged.
  16. Russia has a military option it has not yet exercised - sending ICBMs with conventional warheads to Kyiv. It is questionable whether any Ukrainian defense could stop an ICBM. It's likely that Russia hasn't done this because Ukraine possesses ICBMs, as well, and could launch them in a pinch. I have seen Ukrainian ICBMs up close and personal.
  17. As a historical note, last summer, Ukraine sent drones to attack Moscow. In response, Russia moved anti-aircraft systems from the front to the Moscow region, leaving the front poorly defended. As a result, Ukraine has had a free hand deploying missiles and drones in the front, killing thousands of Russian soldiers. But Moscow is safe - for now.
  18. It appears that the aircraft were moved before the strike. It's possible that Russia has a mole in the Ukrainian military.
  19. Putin would be very happy with a frozen conflict, where there isn't much fighting. However, Ukraine's strategy is to destroy Russia's army, so Ukraine will force the issue. If Russia were to stop advancing, then Ukraine would pick a weak spot and advance.
  20. You responded to a post about the single destroyed S-500 system, but Russia has plenty of S-400s in Crimea.
  21. Because Trump lost. Putin was counting on Trump giving him Ukraine.
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