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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Yes. The DOJ doesn't care about political parties, they go after alleged criminals.
  2. I can't disagree. Picketing a judge's home is illegal, and violators should be prosecuted.
  3. If you oppose statism, why do you want the State to jail Biden?
  4. For a New Zealander, you seem awfully concerned about illegal immigration in other countries.
  5. It takes a statist to want the government to jail political opponents.
  6. This is great advice for how to correctly fill out a Thai tax return. The question is how many foreigners are going to prepare a Thai tax return, and what will happen to those who don't. I have met only one person who does their taxes here, and that was a hotel manager whose firm did their taxes. The Farangs in the village seem unaware of the new rules, or the old rules, for that matter.
  7. From your article: "In addition to failing to report big donors and excess donations in a timely manner, the Obama campaign incorrectly dated the filings dealing with $85 million in funds, the FEC claims. This error appears to have been primarily the result of one transfer to the campaign committee from the Obama Victory Fund, a fundraising group that includes money raised by the Democratic National Committee that is earmarked for the presidential race." The staff was overwhelmed and inexperienced. Do you have any links that show that Obama was personally aware and involved? Like Trump was with the hush money payment and cover-up?
  8. You sound embarrassed that you are "woke". That's because the term is used in a derogatory manner to describe someone who isn't racist.
  9. You don't care about the source. Here's a hint: it's all over the news.
  10. Obama's campaign was too slow to report contributions. As opposed to hiding them. There was no political benefit to Obama in doing the paperwork slowly, it was just a case of a first time candidate's organization being overwhelmed with donations. Whereas Trump tried to cover up the Stormy Daniels hush money.
  11. Michael Cohen has proven to be a very good witness.
  12. Trying to predict the outcome of a debate like this is pointless. I can recall the predictions about Biden's SOTU, and when he outperformed expectations, then you guys scrambled for a spin. Same with a debate, if Biden wins, you'll say he's on drugs.
  13. I am in Kazakhstan now. People here know if Ukraine falls, Kazakhstan is high on Putin's list of targets.
  14. I'm sure you won't reconsider if Ukraine doesn't sue for peace next month.
  15. So, everyone believes that Ukraine is telling the truth about its defenses around Kharkhiv? Why would SBU tell Russia that Russia can just walk into Ukraine?
  16. So, you are okay with racism, sexual harassment and intolerance of gay people?
  17. Yep: https://www.delawareonline.com/picture-gallery/news/local/2023/08/03/president-biden-bike-ride/12313550002/#:~:text=President Joe Biden%2C currently on,Thursday%2C August 3%2C 2023.&text=Delaware News Journal-,President Joe Biden%2C currently on vacation in Rehoboth Beach%2C rides,Thursday%2C August 3%2C 2023. "trump doesn't to prove he is fit and able" Are you drunk? Tell you still believe that tomorrow.
  18. I am sure there are elements of the US defense establishment happy to see Russian military losses, and welcome a war of attrition.
  19. Yep, once over the last few years. How many times did Trump even ride a bike?
  20. In the last debate, Trump complained about Biden wanting people to have tiny windows. Do you agree with Trump?
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