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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. That's an excellent legal defense for a murderer. "Your honor, yes, my client killed the victim, but what's the big deal? Everyone dies".
  2. I would be happy to come over and turn off the alarm for you, if only to let Darwin have a win.
  3. The anti-vax types don't care if kids die, as long as they can own the libs. Some don't care if *they* die, as long as they "win".
  4. And when the kids are infected, other family members get sick and some die. Carry on.
  5. When you say "there is nothing for prevention in that vaccine" you are wrong. Moreover, you have fallen into the fallacy that unless something provides 100% prevention, it's worthless. Seatbelts are a great example. They don't provide 100% security, but they are good enough that you wear one when you are in a car.
  6. I don't really watch TV, sorry. Maybe Rachel Maddow once every couple of months.
  7. To be clear, Trump was being vague when he spoke, and will likely narrow the vaccines down to just COVID, if he is pressed. By being vague, he hopes to pick up support from those who follow RFK because they are anti-vax.
  8. I live in Thailand and so don't watch CNN enough to form an opinion of Fareed Zakaria.
  9. To recap the bidding: Michael Cohen pled guilty to a campaign finance violation for paying Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election. Donald Trump reimbursed Cohen, but tried to cover up the campaign finance violation by claiming the payments to Cohen were a business expense (attorney services). Under NY State law, the business fraud is elevated from a misdemeanor to a felony if it is intended to cover up a crime.
  10. There's two ways of looking at his comments: 1) The prosecutors are simply out to get Trump for political reasons, or 2) If Trump had not been elected in 2016, none of these facts would have been publicly known, and Trump would not have been indicted.
  11. Supposedly, the prosecution will call Michael Cohen tomorrow. Unlike many, I don't think he will be a good witness, because he will tell the truth. Unfortunately, he will have to admit that Trump's orders to him were not explicit, they were in code. So rather than Trump telling Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels, Cohen will testify that Trump told him to "take care of it". A normal person will listen to Cohen's testimony and understand the criminal nature of Trump's orders, but some people will claim that Cohen's testimony exonerates Trump. And maybe one juror won't have the mental capacity to connect the dots.
  12. I had a healthy young lady friend die of COVID. You are not thinking clearly.
  13. Biden must be doing something right, he is accused of supporting and selling out Israel at the same time.
  14. Lindsey Graham shouts down Kristen Welker as he calls to bomb Gaza like Hiroshima
  15. The OP mentioned that the 50% import duty, plus excise taxes were to be eliminated. Since April 1, however, I have noticed a price increase on wine in local shops. Is it possible that the import duty reduction was less than 100%?
  16. The indoor plumbing numbers are official Russian statistics.
  17. You aren't posting actual information, you are just posting your feelings.
  18. More than one-fifth of Russian households do not have access to indoor plumbing, according to official statistics obtained by the RBC news website on Tuesday. One Russian in Four Lacks an Indoor Toilet, One of Many Signs There are Now ‘Four Distinct Russias’
  19. Before the war, it was not uncommon for incels to do the mail order bride thing. I had a friend who ordered one, and married her. The day she got her green card, she left.
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