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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. "Me-too" is alive and well. In particular, large numbers of Christian types are being hauled into court for child molestation and the like.
  2. You are correct. But Trump's lawyers opened the door for this testimony when they claimed that Trump never had sex with Stormy Daniels. That was a bad move, but Trump probably demanded it. Trump could have helped by providing his attorneys with contradictory evidence, maybe that he didn't stay stay in that hotel that night (how would Stormy Daniels even know what hotel he was in?). But, he gave them nothing.
  3. I am beginning to think that Trump's lawyers are so irritated by him that they are mailing it in.
  4. I was in Kazakhstan yesterday, and my Russian speaking taxi driver asked me if I knew it was Victory Day. Then he launched into a tirade about Russian fascism. I guess even the Russian speaking Kazakhs know that Putin would take northern Kazakhstan if he had a chance.
  5. April 2024 was hottest on record, marking 11 months of new highs How can new records for hot weather be predictable?
  6. Those Muslim voters must be thrilled by Trump's statement on Israeli conduct of the Gaza war
  7. It sounds like you have run out of material.
  8. Please provide backup to your assertion that only one gun was taken to the insurrection.
  9. For Biden's handwritten notebooks found in Biden's Delaware home, which included classified content, Hur credited the possibility that Biden treated them as "personal property", given "historical practice" of the federal government allowing President Ronald Reagan to take home his diaries as "personal records" despite their classified content. While Hur found that Biden read out classified information from his notebooks to his ghostwriter, Hur judged that it was not proven that Biden knew that the information was classified.
  10. PolitiFact: Tucker Carlson is wrong. Firearms, other weapons at Capitol on Jan. 6
  11. I am busy installing solar panels in my condo. Not easy. My next project is to have solar installed for the entire building's common areas.
  12. When infrastructure and homes are damaged by storms and floods, who pays for the repair?
  13. There aren't any style points given at trials, or else Stormy Daniels would have sunk Trump already. She ran rings around Trump's lawyer yesterday, who was reduced to asking stupid and pointless questions. Trump is basically just hoping for a holdout juror who can hang the jury, little chance of an actual acquittal.
  14. It's always great when someone who knows nothing about climatology demonstrates their ignorance here.
  15. Or raise taxes to pay for fixing damages caused by Climate Change.
  16. Do you prefer raising taxes to pay for the damage from Climate Change? It's cheaper to stop the warming than paying for the damages from Climate Change. Are you for raising even more taxes?
  17. Except the world isn't heating itself up, this time it's human pollution that is doing the warming. The planet is in a natural cooling phase, but that is overwhelmed by artificial heating.
  18. I guess Trump has written off the Muslim vote.
  19. One of the reasons that polls are so worthless is that there are factors other than public opinion that impact the vote in November. For example, in Nevada, the combination of the Harry Reid organization and the SEIU labor unions has a significant impact on Dem voter turnout. Even if the polls are tight, Dem voter turnout is usually higher than expected. In Virginia, the vast number of Federal employees who vote is significant. The number of abortion initiatives on the ballot in swing states will be large, and this will drive turnout. Joe Biden lived in Scranton, Pennsylvania and gets a big turnout there. Rather than public opinion, voter turnout is important, and it's hard to know the turnout factors this early in the race.
  20. Here's another worthless poll: Joe Biden Gets Biggest-Ever Poll Lead Over Trump in Battleground State A new Quinnipiac University poll found Biden leading in Wisconsin with 50 percent support to his Republican opponent's 44 percent, among the 1,447 registered voters surveyed. +++++++++++++++++++ Just about zero predictive value for the November election.
  21. Is that the purpose of the FTA, or is it just one section of a larger agreement? In particular, will the FTA reduce tariffs on wine?
  22. A free trade agreement? What does that have to do with illegal fishing?
  23. You lost the plot. This topic is about Trump's bad behavior with Stormy Daniels.
  24. You are referring to Biden's handwritten notes, which were not classified.
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