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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You are correct. If the Defense proves that the ladies are lying, that would help Trump immeasurably.
  2. I used to think that Bill Clinton was a pathological liar. But then Trump showed me what a real pathological liar is.
  3. The impact on the case is the damage to Trump's credibility if the jury decides that Trump is a liar.
  4. Via his attorneys Trump informed the jury that he never had sex with either lady. In my opinion, that was a bad mistake.
  5. No ice at the Koh Larn 7/11 yesterday. The lack of infrastructure is killing Koh Larn now because of the influx of tourists. They really need to build a cargo dock outside Naban village so that unloading of supplies doesn't block tourist boats and vice versa. And that vehicles carrying cargo from the ships don't have to wend their way through crowds of tourists.
  6. Your defense that: Trump lies a lot, he's just not the most prolific liar of all time, isn't as great as you think it is.
  7. You are suggesting that there are 300,000 Americans who want to have a job picking strawberries for minimum wage that are denied their chance because they have been replaced by illegals? As for it being Biden's fault, I remind you that Congress failed to pass a border bill at the direction of Trump.
  8. Unless it's to conceal an underlying crime, then it's a felony. Which is what Trump is charged with. The crimey stuff will be outlined later in the trial.
  9. If Trump is jailed for another crazy post, he's only going for one night.
  10. The substantive problem is that Trump has already told the jury that he never had sex with either lady. You may remember that false testimony or an attorney telling lies is very damaging to the side that lies As for your tired "questions" about the underlying crime, I will give you the same advice that I gave your fellow Trump fan: There is no point in trying to influence this crowd with your talking points - the verdict will come, and then all of your posts won't matter. No one will care about your or my opinion about the case after the verdict. Because in Trump World trying to win the day with transitory talking points is job #1, but you could win every day and it will all be forgotten after the verdict. So relax.
  11. I agree with you on this. What do you think of Trump telling the jury that he never had sex with either lady?
  12. You are great for bringing up history, but let's talk about this trial. Do you think that Trump had affairs with Stormy Daniels and/or Karen McDougal? Yeah, I know, you don't have talking points to cover that, but please don't deflect - if you can't answer, admit it.
  13. Anyone have any experience with a baht bus lately?
  14. Your memory is almost as bad as @Yellowtail, Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton very publicly, with the result being a settlement.
  15. Actually, you are getting close to using one of @Yellowtail's favorite trolling techniques: breaking a criminal act down to its constituent parts, and then questioning the legality of those constituent parts: "So Trump wrote a check for Michael Cohen. Since when is it a crime to write a check?".
  16. I don't blame anyone for trying to get out of service in the Vietnam war.
  17. I don't claim to be an expert on NY law, but the prosecutors seem to think that the coverup was illegal. You can post your questions one million times, but they all will be forgotten after the verdict. That's an interesting aspect of MAGA trolls, they are trained to try to win the day with talking points, and it's no big deal if the talking points are shown to be bogus or obsolete down the road - winning today is the only thing.
  18. Lots of deflection, but you never state whether Trump is guilty or not. And by guilty, I mean that the allegations are true - it's possible for a Trump fan to claim that the allegations are true, but Trump is innocent.
  19. You mean like cutting Social Security and Medicare/Obamacare? Or a national abortion ban? Or tax cuts for billionaires? I don't think you have thought this through.
  20. Mindless drivel. Biden's Border Patrol is catching a lot more illegals than Trump ever did. Most illegals enter the US through legal ports of entry using fake papers supplied by big AG farms. Many major Republican donors are AG farm owners who employ the illegals. They pay Republican politicians to scream about open borders, but do nothing about it. You are being conned.
  21. You love your FOX News. Even why they pay $787 million for making stuff up.
  22. "All legal scholars, both sides, wanted, and in fact demanded” that Roe v. Wade be overturned." "Crime is down in Venezuela by 67% because they're taking their gangs and their criminals and depositing them very nicely into the United States.” Democrats support abortion measures that result in the “execution” of babies “after birth.” The New York civil fraud judgment against Trump and a plan to seize Trump-owned property “is simply a 'taking.' Much like what is done in communist countries." See a pattern here?
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