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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Biden didn't steal any classified documents. There were a handful of classified documents mixed in with his boxes of personal papers.
  2. Nope. Trump refused to return the classified documents, whereas Biden returned them immediately.
  3. Biden did not willfully retain classified documents. His lawyers returned the documents as soon as they were found. Which makes you befuddled.
  4. and if the leaders of Europe in 1500 had decided that traveling to the New World (and later Australia) was a bad idea?
  5. I responding to a Trump fan who claimed that attendance at Trump rallies proved that Trump was going to win. However, Trump can't stage many rallies now because of funding issues, and the Alzheimers thing.
  6. The willful retention of classified documents is what would normally require imprisonment.
  7. The judge may merely sentence Trump to imprisonment within the standard sentencing guidelines, which would obviate that particular legal avenue. Trump will appeal, no matter what, unless he is acquitted.
  8. Barry Diller says Trump Media is 'a scam' and people buying shares are 'dopes' Barry Diller says Trump Media is 'a scam' and people buying shares are 'dopes' The Trump fans here cannot imagine that their Dear Leader would be scamming his followers. They must believe that somehow Truth Social exists to own the Libs, not scam Trump fans.
  9. For over 20 years, Clarence Thomas has been treated to luxury vacations by billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow. Key examples of Justice Thomas’s corruption that necessitate his resignation: Thomas has allegedly repeatedly violated federal law by failing to disclose luxury trips, gifts, and business transactions with billionaire benefactors who had business before the Court. Thomas has secretly helped fundraise for the Koch dark money network. Thomas has refused to recuse from January 6th-related Supreme Court cases even though his wife, Ginni Thomas, was a target of investigations. Ginni Thomas has received huge sums of money from Leonard Leo’s dark money network in their work to capture the judiciary. Justice Thomas has failed to disclose his wife’s income and its sources.
  10. You are correct, I have not memorized the 31 felony charges against Trump in the hush money case. Meanwhile, the trial date of April 15 approaches.
  11. So anyone with a re-entry permit try the automated departure gates at Suvarnabhumi Immigration?
  12. If you blew your money on Truth Social stock, I am sorry for your loss. How many Trump fans got conned again? Last month, it was golden sneakers, now it's stock. One grift after another.
  13. I have seen one positive report of a long term visa holder who used the automated gates for departure at Suvarnabhumi and whose re-entry permit was honored upon return.
  14. Here's a hint for you: When Trump was indicted, a charging document was issued. This contains the actual statutes broken by Trump. I realize that you have an urge to troll, but the fact that I personally do not know the statutes cited in the charging document does not exonerate Trump.
  15. Perhaps if I type slowly, you will understand. Clarence Thomas makes judicial decisions that favor the Koch donor network. In return, he receives significant benefits from the Koch donor network.
  16. Still waiting for someone with a long term visa to go through the Automated exit gates at Immigration, and return to Thailand without having their re-entry permit cancelled. Maybe the software has been updated recently.
  17. Here's a spoiler: Judge Cannon's final jury instructions: "Dear Jury, I instruct you to find the defendant not guilty".
  18. Please cite the language in the PRA that allows the president to make this determination. When you cannot find it, please do the honorable thing and admit it.
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