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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Common sense tells us that the official numbers are correct, since Trump's claims of voter fraud were proven to be false. Or do you think there was substantial voter fraud in 2020? I don't mean that you have questions because you don't understand how elections are operated.
  2. No lack of posts by foreign Trump fans cheering on Putin, or desiring a multipolar world. They support Trump because they want to see a weaker America.
  3. The majority will, but there will be many who don't vote, and a larger than normal number will vote for Biden. Everyone ignores the other issues on the table: abortion initiatives on the ballot in some states; and some crazy MAGA types running for higher office. There is a historical record of crazy MAGA candidates losing in general elections, the crazier, the bigger the loss, in all but the reddest areas. For example, the GOP candidate in NC is a full blown MAGA nut, and by himself may lose the state for Trump. The only way he wins is if there is a black swan event that upsets everything.
  4. Trump is a remarkably inept politician. He doesn't seem to understand that by pleasing his core white racist supporters by insulting minority groups, he gains no votes from his base, and loses votes among others. Recently, Trump has insulted trans people, gays, Catholics, Latinos, blacks, and judges. More of this will doom his election in November.
  5. Does the evidence that the Biden DOJ is corrupt exist only in your mind?
  6. It's hard to imagine what the Trump fans are thinking. They don't seem to understand the derangement of Trump. How is that possible?
  7. Yes, the impacts of the Covid virus are similar to the flu, but Covid is not the flu.
  8. My interest is in a Thai bank card that will work overseas. My Bangkok Bank debit card is blocked overseas.
  9. Anyone notice that Trump has mostly stopped campaigning? Maybe one rally every week or two. It's like he has retired already. Maybe the Alzheimers is taking its effect.
  10. You are deep in conspiracy theories. Remember Occam's Razor: Trump is being prosecuted because crimes were committed. Trump lost in 2020 because Biden got more votes. Trump is not being silenced, but is prohibited from threatening relatives of court officers and jurors.
  11. Mindless drivel on your part. You better get used to Biden being president, he has another 4 years coming.
  12. Jonathan Isaac apologizes to Joe Biden after misdirected rage regarding Transgender Day of Visibility "In the name of fairness Biden did recognize the day last year when it didn't fall on Esther! That's important, and to me, releases the administration from the allegation on intentionality! Instead of deleting the tweet like it never happened this is my good faith retraction lol. The message is the same. Keep focused on what Resurrection Sunday Is all bout. Christ defeating sin and death for all people who would believe."
  13. The latter part of this election campaign is going to see some fairly unprecedented events: Trump's cabinet is going to endorse Biden. Biden will be all over the country, while Trump will be sitting in courtrooms. Biden will be blanketing the airways with ads, while Trump will spend his money on lawyers. Not only is Biden going to win, but the pundits will say, after the election "Trump never had a chance".
  14. Wow. You seemed to have been engaged in serious fantasy plan back then. I hope you are not too disappointed by actual reality.
  15. Do you have any evidence that the Biden Justice Dept is corrupt?
  16. Until and unless you can prove Biden corruption, your post is mindless drivel. It appears you are trying to "prove" corruption by repeating the same lie over and over, the classic Goebbels tactic. Even you must admit your lie to proof ratio would be very high, except for the "divide by zero" problem.
  17. So, Trump can avoid incarceration by attacking the judge's daughter?
  18. What is the purpose of Trump cyberstalking the judge's daughter? It would seem stupid, since the judge is in the position of imposing a prison sentence upon conviction. My opinion was that this trial would likely result in conviction and probation, but the judge might now consider imprisonment, so Trump can't harrass anyone online.
  19. The accusations against Biden have been proven to be Russian disinformation. The question is why the Russians would help Trump by trying to get Biden impeached? Any ideas?
  20. Trump supports Putin, who wants to put the USSR back together. Many of your colleagues here who support Trump also support weakening America, so that a multi-polar world emerges. That's not "America First", that's "America Last".
  21. Exactly what I do. I transfer the exact amount of my Social Security payment to my Thai bank every month. Since I pay taxes on my Social Security in the US, the transferred amount is tax free in Thailand.
  22. I don't think we will see a flip flop on this issue. More probable would be the RD realizing what a mess this is, and quietly doing nothing about it. The alternative is to enforce the law by randomly selecting some Farangs to make an example out of them. If someone here posted a horror story about the RD requiring them to provide a tax return, or go to the monkeyhouse, then lots of people here would file a tax return.
  23. I didn't expect the Court of Appeals to reduce Trump's bond, I expected Trump to post the full bond. But, I do expect the Court of Appeals to reduce the verdict amount.
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