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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You must be trolling, or supremely ignorant. The Greenhouse Effect was discovered long ago. If you don't understand the effects of CO2 on atmospheric temperature, why are you posting in this topic? Better that you read a book about basic science. Or this: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide#:~:text=Without carbon dioxide%2C Earth's natural,causing global temperature to rise.
  2. Fortunately, the Border Patrol, under Biden, is catching a lot more illegals than under Trump.
  3. Yes. The Democrats are trying to keep the Republican off the November ballot, using the insidious strategy of getting more votes than the Republican. There are 2 ballot slots in thr November general election in California. The 2 highest voter getters in the March primary get those 2 slots. Right now, there are 4 top candidates, 3 Dems and 1 Republican. This sounds like something @Yellowtail should investigate further.
  4. You obviously have been exposed to a lot of conspiracy theories, but not a lot of facts. Banks cannot perform due diligence on cash flow analysis, they rely on the accounting materials presented to them. If those materials are fraudulent, there's not much they can do except to ask for backup, which can also be faked. All you are really saying is that Trump was really good at fraud. Plus, he conned you, too.
  5. So, what is this poll with 82% saying the election was rigged?
  6. There has been a barrier in the easily crossed areas for 30 years.
  7. Trump wanted 2000 miles, and he wanted a Wall. You can argue with him about how crazy his Wall was. As for razor wire, that's only useful for killing kids on the Rio Grande.
  8. Some people just didn't like Trump, but the 14th amendment ploy was not a big thing. The plan is to beat Trump in November, that's the way to make him go away.
  9. The majority of illegals come in via legal ports of entry, so the concept of a 2000 mile Wall was stupid.
  10. I defined "shut the border" 2 different ways before. Biden defines it a third way, meaning to not allow amnesty seekers in.
  11. Trump again urges judge to delay $83.3 million payout to E. Jean Carroll Trump really doesn't have the cash, apparently, even to post a bond for this relatively small case. Trump seems to be cash poor, and he can't get a bond agency to help him out. The next time someone here claims Trump is a successful businessman, that would be cringeworthy.
  12. I got the shot last November, I will wait another 6 months for the next one. I hope that an updated booster will be available at that time.
  13. You mean when Trump said that Covid would go away quickly?
  14. The issue here is the semantics of "close the border". Normal people understand that closing the border means to stop all transit through some or all of a border. The Trump people define "closing the border" as prohibiting all undesirable people from crossing the border, but letting "good people" through.
  15. Ex-Trump Org. CFO pleads guilty to perjury charges As predicted, another Trump mook goes down. The question is whether he flipped.
  16. The Supremes went as expected, but on the basis that states don't have the right to bar candidates for Federal office, only state office.
  17. My feeling is that the 95% number is a generalization, and that a vaccination rate of 91% will enough to prevent disaster - this time. If the activax loons manage to drop the vaccination rate, then it could be trouble.
  18. Wrong. My position is and was that the vast majority of illegals enter the US via legal ports of entry. Most are brought in via the big agricultural companies who need cheap labor. These big agricultural companies are major donors for Republican politicians who complain loudly about border security, but do nothing about it. Because of their big donors. Which makes you a sucker. Worse, you're not from the US, so your interest in this issue is to attack Joe Biden, because you think that will make America weaker.
  19. You do know that Cubans have a high vaccination rate... And Cubans can get in the US legally.
  20. The SCOTUS is allegedly going to rule on this today. My guess is that they will describe how the fourteenth amendment should be implemented. Spoiler alert: Trump will still be a candidate after their ruling.
  21. The deadline for Trump posting bond is approaching. I don't think he will. Instead, as Ms. Carroll's attorneys file court requests to grab Trump's assets, he will object, because he has an appeal for the first verdict. And that issue will be litigated.
  22. I remember when there were only 15 cases of Covid in the US, and Trump said it would disappear soon. Good times. Fortunately, vaccination rates for measles are high in the US.
  23. The Deniers here can't provide any data that contradicts the scientific assessment that the planet is warming from human pollution. They also can't explain what part of the hypothesis that they don't agree with. Is it that CO2 causes atmospheric warming? Is that humans have increased atmospheric CO2 from 280 to 420 ppm? The Deniers don't know, because they don't have instructions about how to talk rationally about Science. Instead, all they have are generalities to mumble about.
  24. Inferno Bar on Soi Chaiyapoon is up for sale. The bar owner says he is retiring.
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