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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There are more cases in the pipeline for Trump, including Michigan and Nevada (or Arizona). Trump will be in an out of court (or prison) for the rest of his life.
  2. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/covid-19-vaccine-safety-update/covid-19-vaccines-safety-update-8-december-2022_en.pdf The source document states that these figures are simply reports of death (or side effects) that incurred after injection. There is no further data to determine whether the vaccine was the cause.
  3. I am sure that families of unvaccinateds who died from Covid would love to meet you. There are lots of them. Or those who suffer from Long Covid.
  4. You sound like someone pointing out a seatbelt-caused death to warn people about using seatbelts. You know, back in the day, Yellow fever used to kill lots of people, due to mosquitos from swamps. So, the swamps were cleansed of mosquitos and many lives were saved. But a few people died cleansing those swamps. You seem to have a cognitive issue understanding the difference between a handful of people dying during the prevention process and millions of people dying from a disease.
  5. What's the ratio between deaths from Covid vaccines vs deaths from Covid?
  6. Please supply evidence of large numbers of vaccinated people with white clots.
  7. There is thing called "Science" that experts tend to use. Cherrypicking science reports itself isn't science, especially if the message from that cherrypicking isn't supported by the cited report. The number of serious side effects from Covid vaccines is tiny, compared with the major side effect from not being vaccinated: death.
  8. I am amazed at the number of foreigners here who want to see America weakened from its pre-eminent position in the world, and who support Trump.
  9. With Thailand installing automatic gates for departure, lots of people won't have exit stamps in their passport. So, how to prove your length of residence in Thailand if you don't have exit stamps when you go abroad for 6 months?
  10. What if she didn't have a romantic interest, but Mr. Wade paid for dinner, and she repaid him in cash?
  11. 91 felony charges, plus the factual basis for those charges, are a pretty good factual back up for a position that Trump is guilty. Remember that the rules for a jury don't apply here. Besides, how many times have you criticized the losers here who claim that Biden is guilty of corruption, with zero evidence?
  12. Nope. If that were true, the first person convicted of violation of a new law would always get off on appeal. You should try thinking before you post.
  13. $5,000 is approximately the cash that Nathan Wade laid out for the trips. Trump's people claim this is sufficient to warrant disqualification of Ms. Willis, due to conflict of interest, ie she hired Wade so she could get free trips. Otherwise, there is no possible conflict of interest. This has been explained repeatedly here. You don't seem to be keeping up on current events. Ms. Willis' response is that she paid expenses for Mr. Wade with cash.
  14. I am amazed that Thailand cannot block websites that support online gambling. All it would take is one official to sit there with a smartphone and look for websites with slots and numbers, and then have them blocked on AIS and other major carriers and ISPs.
  15. from your link: "Still, the team says the absolute risk of developing any one of the condition remains small. For instance, 13 billion doses of vaccines have been administered and there have only been 2,000 cases of all conditions." This may be less than for unvaccinated people.
  16. What excess deaths? Remember, in this forum, you need to back up your assertions.
  17. 91 felony charges, and you are still finding excuses for Trump. You ask "where did I proclaim his innocence" and then post that Trump is being unfairly prosecuted. "Seems to me his only crime is having a loud mouth" is called "proclaiming his innocence". Duhhh... Trump has been indicted with multiple co-defendants so you can't claim he is being singled out.
  18. And yet you make endless posts proclaiming his innocence. What about the Trump fluffers who claim that Trump is innocent of the 91 felony counts?
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