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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The defense's reasoning is that Fani Willis concocted the indictments against 18 people so she could get $5,000 in free trips.
  2. It's obvious: a guilty perp's last line of defense is "whatabout them? They did it, too!"
  3. Trump spends $3 million to pay lawyers as one super PAC bails out another Trump is losing money on some of his campaign organizations.
  4. Of course, but there are plenty of judges with whom Engoron could have consulted. Like any reasonable person involved in the biggest case of their life would do.
  5. I agree that the witnesses were a major fail. Still, the low threshold for disqualification is the problem.
  6. I sure hope the guy who got tackled by bystanders is one of the 2 suspects.
  7. An appeals court is never going to dismiss asset valuation fraud. But, the appeals court may reduce the verdict amount. The question is whether Trump can get a bond within 30 days. One factor that everyone ignores is that it's likely that Judge Engoron conferred with other judges during the trial.
  8. It's very common for motorists caught speeding to alert the police to others who are driving too fast. Doesn't get them out of a ticket, though.
  9. As long as you don't understand that Trump obstructed justice by refusing to return Classified documents and then tried to hide them, this will all be a mystery to you.
  10. Trump's legal team would be happy to have you help them. Because you could tell the judge: "Trump is guilty as hell, but Biden and Pence did it, too".
  11. The sole source of the *additional* CO2 in the atmosphere now is human activity. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/how-do-we-know-build-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-caused-humans @Yellowtail will confirm, depending on whether his memory works today.
  12. One sparrow does not make a Spring. I would like to see more reports before chancing it myself.
  13. The Steele dossier was never intended as a source of facts, it was compiled as a collection of rumors about Trump, funded by Republicans. It was just raw data. It happens that a significant fraction of those rumors were true.
  14. Trump might think Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.8 billion, but in 2020, his own company said the Palm Beach appraiser was right. That year, the county valued Mar-a-Lago at $27 million.
  15. It's hopeless providing facts to @Yellowtail. He seems to be wilfully clueless. Even when confronted with irrefutable facts, he develops Trumpheimers disease, and forgets within 24 hours.
  16. Do you really believe that? Trump was too busy to return the classified documents? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
  17. You don't believe that carbon dioxide levels have increased over the last 100 years? @Yellowtail Here is your chance to educate a Denier!
  18. Great. You can start your own topic about Hillary's emails. This conversation is about Trump's multiple violations of the Espionage Act.
  19. Because you don't understand the difference between cooperating with the authorities to return classified documents vs obstructing the authorities, this will always be a mystery to you. It's not a legal quandary, its a cognitive error on your part. I could walk you through the steps of how Trump violated the Espionage Act, and then post Special Counsel's explanation of why Biden wasn't charged, but you would forget it within 24 hours.
  20. You don't believe that Trump obstructed the investigation? How strongly do you believe that? Are you 100% sure Trump is innocent?
  21. After NARA went after Trump for retention of documents, Biden's attorneys started searching his offices. But the reality is that "Biden did it, too" is not a great legal defense. Works great for 10 year olds.
  22. What's your point in mischaracterizing the Espionage Act? You don't care if anyone answers your questions, you just keep on trolling. Your questions are not in good faith.
  23. DA Fani Willis testified she paid cash during trips with top prosecutor. One winery host remembers her paying in paper bills Willis used the money to pay for two bottles of wine – each valued at roughly $150 – and the $50 tasting, according to Stan Brody, who said he hosted Willis and a guest he later learned was Nathan Wade, at Acumen Wines in early 2023.
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