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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/^DJI?p=^DJI See that big drop during the Trump Administration? I wouldn't be so quick to talk about the stock market.
  2. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N Looks like Trump killed the Golden goose.
  3. Lots of Trump supporters support the neoCommunist Putin. **edit by moderator - correct the spelling of supporter.
  4. This is supposed to be a big week for judges to make decisions about Trump's crimes. But, I don't expect much, I think the big stuff will happen after the Super Bowl.
  5. MAGA's Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory May Cost GOP Votes: Ex-RNC Chair This will cost Trump down the road.
  6. Dow closes above 38,000 for 1st time, setting record high Your world view conflicts with reality.
  7. Putin is a neoCommunist. As are many of his followers in the US and abroad.
  8. Wow. Someone is really wound up today. Maybe the reality of Biden's massive win in South Carolina has spooked him.
  9. You don't seem to be keeping up on current events. The impeachment inquiry is dead in the water. Your posts are all stream of consciousness, long, fact free rants. Do you really think you are convincing anyone? Let's see if you can control yourself and make short posts with links backing up your opinions.
  10. Clearly, you are taking the Putin position on the US budget.
  11. Clearly, Tucker Carlson does not have the best interests in America in mind. His lies on FOX News were intended to support the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen.
  12. There's a lot of buzz about Tucker Carlson running for Vice President. I'm not sure if its for the US or Russia.
  13. I must have missed your point about that worthless early poll you posted. You seem to be trying to score points against Biden by posting early polls that you admit are worthless. But, actual elections will prove you wrong, like the South Carolina prinary, where Biden ran up a 96% score.
  14. if you think US Arabs are going to vote for this guy, you are delusional: Trump vows to expand Muslim ban and bar Gaza refugees if he wins presidency
  15. I am so wound up, I need to go to Copacabana to relax on the beach. Another way to say "he wound you up" is "he was trolling".
  16. weren't you just saying early polls were worthless, just one hour ago?
  17. Biden wins South Carolina primary Apparently, 96% of Democrats in South Carolina disagree with you.
  18. Well, the primary elections are pretty good indicators of what party members are thinking.
  19. I am sure you have your finger on the pulse of young voters in America.
  20. I hope you understand that a politician "calling" for something is just talk. There is no "fast track" for undocumented aliens.
  21. Yeah, but I admit early polls are worthless. The Trump fluffers grab onto an early poll and crow about it for a week.
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