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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Florida is where retirees from the north go. It's been that way for many years.
  2. It sounds like there was a year end surge, but the ones crossing via the Rio Grande mostly get caught.
  3. These news stories are misleading, because they mix together accounts of illegal border crossers with people who try to cross at legal ports of entry. The illegal border crossers - those who swim the Rio Grande or walk across the desert, mostly get caught.
  4. You mean the virus that Trump said would go away? "You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April." "when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." Was Trump wrong about Covid?
  5. It's not clear when the relationship started. What is likely to happen: The boyfriend has to go. The trial will go on, but Trump will talk about this 24 hours a day. The jury won't care and will vote to convict Trump. Trump will use the relationship in his appeal, which will go nowhere.
  6. When Republicans say "bolster Social Security", they mean to cut benefits. The alternative is to raise cap on social security tax. Which is your preferred method of bolstering Social Security?
  7. This article is about who present themselves at legal ports of entry. How would a wall fix the problem in the article?
  8. You don't get it: this is a defamation case. As for Trump having been found liable, he says he didn't do it, but Trump lies a lot. His lies have been documented in this topic, and nobody has discounted those reports. In other words, it's a given that Trump lies.
  9. The Thai government loves to announce intentions as if they were deeds.
  10. Tara Reade was not very credible. Even worse, she defected to Russia. Paula Jones had a very credible story.
  11. This is a defamation case. Here's a hint for you: if you have been found liable for defamation, just stop it. Trump is running for president. Why does he even have to talk about this case?
  12. Tracking polls are showing some movement towards Haley in NH, but conventional polls show the Orange Jesus at 50%+.
  13. Does anyone know if the tax reductions were announced or just "planned to be announced"?
  14. Trump has already been found liable of sexual assault and defamation. The only question is whether he can control himself from defaming her more in the future. Do you think he can stop talking about her?
  15. Most illegals enter the US via legal ports of entry. Why waste taxpayer money on a wall, when few illegals try to cross the border out in the desert? Ever heard of drones?
  16. The Soviet system was intrinsically flawed - that caused the collapse. Most people had trouble getting beer in the USSR.
  17. On the contrary. Can you cite one lie that Donald Trump has told? If you ask me about a Joe Biden lie, I would have trouble, because Biden lies by omission. But Trump gaslights.
  18. I don't know whether to go with Team Dementia or Team Trump Always Lies on this one.
  19. No. I do remember all the people I sexuallt assaulted: zero. But my memory is better than Trump's, so maybe he forgot.
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