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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Turnout at the Iowa caucuses was low, compared with 2016. I guess only the hard core braved the elements.
  2. That's an interesting claim. Do you have any data to back that up?
  3. Trump has a problem with swing voters, because they don't believe him as readily as his Cult members. So, when he inevitably swings to the left for the General Election, swing voters will see right through him.
  4. Political parties occupying the White House typically don't have presidential primaries. Your knowledge of this subject seems limited.
  5. Trump has the small problem that he will likely be a convicted felon in November.
  6. Because Trump is a weak candidate. Biden will rise in the polls later this year. The only bump up that Trump will get is when Stormy Daniels testifies, and Trump's cult followers will consider it a miracle that she slept with him.
  7. I compare Trump to Joseph Goebbels because both a proponents of the Big Lie. Trump repeats the same lies over and over, so you believe them. Do you disagree?
  8. My guess is that Iran wants to drive up the price of oil, and is urging the Houthis to help them.
  9. I know a couple of young ladies who live off Facebook. They have 5,000 Friends, and after posting sexy pictures, they hit up their Farang friends for cash, with a sad story.
  10. Reality is going to be sad for you in 2024. More of your January 6 insurrectionist friends are going to jail. More evidence of Trump criming will be revealed. The polls will show a decay in Trump support. It's going to be a tough year for you.
  11. what's your point? The Houthis seem reduced to pinprick attacks now. They may not have intelligence capabilities to know who they are attacking. Bottom line: randomly attacking international shipping is for idiots.
  12. I have sad news: I just found out one of my aerospace companies is going public in 2024. Which means money is coming. Terrible timing for me (in the context of this topic).
  13. The question is what will happen to this draft bill. The dangers and benefits of marijuana are not a factor.
  14. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-lawyer-tacopina/ The Joe Tacopina Era is over. He bombed on TV last year, so they sidelined him and he's been back burnered ever since.
  15. Nothing in your link indicates that weapons were diverted or lost.
  16. “IOWA CAUCUS FORECAST: IQs tonight expected to dip into the single digits” - Andy Borowitz
  17. Another ship was hit today. A few years back, I sailed by Yemen, and took a photo of the Red Sea coast.
  18. The discussion about stratospheric cooling is useful, because some of the less educated Global Warming Deniers claim that any warming of the planet is due to increased solar activity. But, they cannot explain why this alleged increased solar activity doesn't also warm the Stratosphere. When confronted with this contradiction, they disappear or engage in insults.
  19. Where did the Saudis move out from? Where did the Iranians move into?
  20. Did Trump build the wall and have Mexico pay for it? How about infrastructure? Did Trump ever release a plan? Health care? Trump said he would release a plan in 2 weeks. Trump was the laziest president.
  21. https://www.carbonbrief.org/state-of-the-climate-how-the-world-warmed-in-2021/ A newer chart:
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