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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Donald Trump committed many crimes, and when he is tried, he will be convicted of multiple charges. A year from now, you will be posting to complain about which prison Trump is sent to.
  2. Many knew in advance that the plan was to storm the Capitol.
  3. January 6 was one of the saddest days in American history. You are trying to defend Trump by breaking down the insurrection into its component parts. You could defend Nazi Germany, 911, or the South's Civil War the same way. Trump hoped that the insurrectionists would stop the certification of the vote by violence. That was a criminal conspiracy. You are disgracing yourself by defending the criminals behind the attack.
  4. The plan was to kidnap Congressional leaders, lots of guns weren't necessary. But stocks of guns were stored nearby, for use if necessary. Your contention that most protested peacefully is not supported by the evidence. Those who entered the Capitol fought the police, and whenever the police made a stand, there was violence. You were given that talking point because it sounds good, but it doesn't reflect reality. You could also say that, at any given time, most of the Southern insurrectionists during the Civil War weren't fighting, so the Civil War was mostly peaceful. In other words, you have been given worthless propaganda that you should be ashamed of posting.
  5. The science is not disputed - that's just a talking point your internet masters sent you. If I asked you why the planet is warming, you can't give a rational answer. All you have is: The climate is always changing. Because you don't understand that when climate changes, there's a reason for the change - some forcing factor. So, you are unable to provide the forcing factor for the current warming, you don't seem to have a clue about any of this.
  6. I notice you didn't disagree with any of my points. Because you couldn't. It looks like you were the class clown during Science class, because you can't respond coherently on this subject. It's sad, because you seem interested in the topic, but have zero background to contribute anything.
  7. What was sad was that Trump incited people to go the Capitol, where many were injured, and some subsequently died. Some clearly knew the plan to storm the Capitol, and were prepared for violent entry.
  8. So, 140+ injured police officers don't mean anything to you? Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police.
  9. Marxists are the ones who oppose free elections, where the voters decide. You know, like North Korea, where Dear Leader decides who is in charge. Kind of like how you think your Leader should decide who wins. Funny how you ended up on the same side as the Marxists.
  10. Suspicions about the 2020 election may be crazy, but not illegal. Trying to obstruct the vote certification is illegal.
  11. The democratic vote was to be certified on January 6. The insurrectionists wanted to nullify the democratic vote by blocking the certification. It sounds like you oppose democracy.
  12. If I were Trump's attorney, this would be my closing argument: "Your honor, it's clear we have a difference of opinion on Mr. Trump's business practices, but you are the judge, and it's your opinion that matters. So, I would like to suggest that you ask the banks and insurance companies how much money they lost due to Mr. Trump's business practices, and we would be happy to compensate them for any losses". To the extent that Trump's lawyers go on the offensive in their close, Trump will have to pay big money.
  13. Haley could win that one, as she would get 100% Republican support.
  14. The dementia gets worse: https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mistake/ He bragged about 'terminating' Roe v. Wade. He said, 'If it weren't for me, that 10-year-old girl in Ohio that an illegal immigrant raped, if it weren't for me, she wouldn't have had to flee the state. If it weren't for me, women wouldn't be, like, dying outside of emergency rooms because doctors are afraid to conduct women's health care,'" Scarborough explained. "He admitted — again, it was such an easy forum, it's not like he was backed into the corner — he admitted he was the one who terminated Roe v. Wade.
  15. Atmospheric physics is real, regardless of how people deal with it. The planet is warming, and unless something different happens, we are going to have to deal with the consequences. Unlike Elon Musk, we can't all go live on Mars if the Earth gets too warming.
  16. How about that insurrection thing? Or Trump wanting to get out of NATO? Or endorsing Boris Johnson for PM?
  17. The behavior of Bill Gates does not negate the reality of Science. Your position is like saying "X person eats all sorts of junk food, therefore junk food cannot be bad for you. The doctors are all wrong".
  18. You are correct. The impact on the atmosphere of a single volcanic eruption is trivial and short term.
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