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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Unfortunately for members of the Cult of the Orange Jesus, they have not been issued talking points about this trial that cover all of the legal issues. So, they can re-cycle what they have: No one has ever been prosecuted for this before. Nobody lost money. but they can't deal with the real issues: Why were the books fraudulent? Why did Trump induce the banks and insurers to accept significant unknown risk exposure? What's the monetary compensation for that undisclosed risk exposure? There aren't any talking points for these questions, so the responses should be entertaining. Or zero.
  2. Because the existence of winter disproves the Global Warming hypothesis.
  3. Global average sea level has risen 8–9 inches (21–24 centimeters) since 1880. In 2022, global average sea level set a new record high—101.2 mm (4 inches) above 1993 levels. The rate of global sea level rise is accelerating: it has more than doubled from 0.06 inches (1.4 millimeters) per year throughout most of the twentieth century to 0.14 inches (3.6 millimeters) per year from 2006–2015.
  4. I was alluding to personal income tax rates, but I'll take the 52% corporate tax rate.
  5. We all know that Trump is going to have to pay. Even you know that. So, what's your point?
  6. This is like explaining colors to a blind man. Risk exposure is a thing in business. Lying about risk is punishable. Banks are risk-averse. If the risk is too great, they won't lend. Yes, a Ponzi scheme is a form of asset valuation fraud, the most extreme type. If the authorities detect a Ponzi scheme, they will shut it down before anyone has lost money. Your position is that asset valuation fraud is no big deal. Not because you know anything about it, but only because your Orange Jesus is accused of it. Bad public policy.
  7. The judge has already made an initial determination of asset valuation fraud.
  8. Simple question: if a Ponzi scheme is detected before anyone loses money, is it criminal?
  9. Let me try this a different way. A friend asks to borrow money. He hands you the Chanote to his house as collateral. You lend him the money, and he pays you back. Later you find out the Chanote wasn't real. Are you okay with that?
  10. There are posts here that indicate that some people here have no clue how business works. Let's say you have a marginal business, and you need a cash infusion. Your books show your company is marginal. So, you fake the numbers, make your company out to be great, get loans, and are able to pay back the loans. Even if your company pays back the loans, you still have committed asset valuation fraud. This is a major legal principle. Any questions?
  11. So, you agree that litigation over Asset Management fraud is a thing, and your only question is how bad was it? I guess if you were a prosecutor, and you were investigating a Ponzi scheme, as long as everyone was making money, you wouldn't prosecute. You would just hold back until the first investor lost money, right? Don't worry, the final report will list the losses from Trump's fraud.
  12. You really think that if we gave into the Houthi attacks, they wouldn't find another pretext for attacking commercial shipping? You don't stop a bully by surrendering to them. Notice that the Houthis have stopped coordinated attacks since they got pounded? They may try again, but major volleys expose them to counter-battery fire, so, at some point, they will lay low and hope we get tired of patrolling the Red Sea.
  13. https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2022-29 https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ny-supreme-court-appellate-division/2129396.html Google is your friend. Asset Valuation fraud is litigated a lot.
  14. Bill Clinton raised taxes and balanced the budget. Ronald Reagan lowered taxes and blew up the budget deficit. George Bush Jr. lowered taxes and blew up the deficit. Donald Trump lowered taxes and blew up the deficit.
  15. Because US companies didn't have overseas assets like the United Fruit Company. And the US didn't sell products all over the world in the 1950s. Right? You are grasping at straws. Clinton raised taxes in the 1990s, and balanced the budget.
  16. You posted that a few months ago, I responded with official figures of sea level rise, and you went away for a while.
  17. Says the guy trying to convince people the 2020 election was stolen, and January 6 wasn't an insurrection. Doesn't your man Trump say the same things all the time? What's up with that?
  18. That would be humorous, unless your home is now underwater.
  19. There is no uncertainty about the 2020 election: Trump lost, and then lied about it.
  20. What's news is that sea levels are rising, due to human produced CO2. Despite your efforts to confuse people.
  21. There are still some people quite a lot actually, who question whether the Earth is round. The 2 groups have 1 thing in common: actual data is irrelevant to them. "Truthiness" is their touchstone: if something feels true, it is true, even if it isn't.
  22. So, what are your plans for Biden's second term? Maybe try to wrangle a visit with your Orange Jesus in one of the nation's penetentiaries?
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