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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Do you have any actual data that contradicts the reality that the atmosphere is warming due to human produced CO2?
  2. Your personal observations do not coincide with actual reality. Bangkok is sinking and rising sea levels from climate change could threaten the homes of its 11 million people
  3. What natural forces are causing the current global warming? I am asking because the people who sent you that talking point have never explained the mechanism behind these "natural forces". Some of their victims flail about when asked this, and make the guess that it's the Sun, but solar output has reduced a little lately. So it's not the Sun. You've been conned by the Climate Change Denier lobby, which funds online trolls to fool you.
  4. In this case, the smidgeon is provided via talking points issued by the Climate Change Denier lobby.
  5. If you can explain this "warm up, cool down" scenario, there's a Nobel Prize waiting for you. In any situation where there is a constant heat input (the Sun), and CO2 is fed into the system at increasing amounts, what provokes a cool down?
  6. Science is the best possible explanation, regardless of whether you flunked Science in school or not.
  7. If you can describe these "changes in gravity" and how they impact climate, there's a Nobel Prize waiting for you.
  8. I will assume that you slept through science classes in school, because your post contains some very looney assertions. Okay, I will try to educate, I hope you are willing to learn. I will do this step by step, to make it easy. The amount of CO2 in the lower atmosphere has increased from 280 parts per million to 400+ ppm over the last 40 years. Do you disagree? The percentage of this increase in CO2 caused by human production is known, due to isotopic analysis (artificially generated CO2 has a different chemical composition than naturally produced CO2). Do you disagree? Furthermore, the amount of CO2 produced by humans is known, and correlates with measurements of artificial CO2 in the atmosphere. This artificial CO2 production correlates with the overall increase in atmospheric CO2. The impact of CO2 on temperature has been known for 200 years. More CO2 = higher atmospheric temperatures. Do you disagree? Therefore, human production of CO2 is increasing atmospheric temperatures. Here's a bonus question for you: why have stratospheric temperatures decreased over the last 40 years?
  9. Trump is an old man who had a brain fade. He said something stupid. If you are really going to cover for Trump's mistakes every time his dementia causes another unforced area, you're going to be very busy.
  10. When President Ulysses S. Grant Was Arrested for Speeding in a Horse-Drawn Carriage I don't have to wish for anything - President's don't have immunity for crimes committed in office. President US Grant was arrested while in office.
  11. Legal opinions delivered in other venues do matter, and this was brought up at the hearing. Another nail in the legal coffin of Absolute Presidential Immunity.
  12. Trump showed up at the hearing, and witnesses say that he looked scared. He should be scared - the judges destroyed his claims of immunity in such a way that no judge will ever support them. Yeah, it was that bad.
  13. "And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover" - Donald Trump. You truly have a crappy job - trying to make people think Trump never said that he hoped the economy would crash. Because even you know that would be a really stupid thing to say.
  14. Actually, I don't think Trump's comment was aimed at anyone. It's just a case of an old man having a brain fade. So, the Trump fluffers are forced to defend his comment, or at least troll any discussion about Trump's comment in order to change the subject. Maybe talk about Hunter Biden.
  15. Climate is what you expect. Weather is what you get.
  16. No impact by earthquakes on global warming. Volcanoes have a minor cooling function due to emissions of silicon dioxide.
  17. Nope. The judge told Trump he would have to follow the same rules that apply to attorneys, and Trump backed out.
  18. Here's a hint for you: it's not good if a presidential candidate openly expresses hope for an economic crash. It's kind of like hoping America loses a war.
  19. If you can't understand that Trump screwed up badly, then it's over your head.
  20. You are referring to Capitol Police ushering insurrectionists out of the Capitol on January 6. How about the insurrectionists who fought the police to get into the Capitol?
  21. Trump's vicious 'birther' slur against Haley: Donald posts article claiming Nikki is ineligible to run for president because she's the child of Indian migrants - despite being born in the US And so it begins. This will resonate with the less educated voters.
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