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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Biden seems to be going downhill. Yesterday, he was randomly talking about magnets, and he said "drop a magnet in water. End of the magnet." Cognitive decline.
  2. Biden has fixed many problems. Perhaps you preferred the situation under Trump when US manufacturing was shrinking and China was growing.
  3. from the same source: "At least four times in recent months, Trump referred to immigrants as "poisoning the blood" of the nation. He said it during an interview with a right-leaning website in September. He said it again at a rally in December in New Hampshire. He repeated it in a Truth Social post in December, then again at a campaign stop in Iowa." Trump is doing this for a reason. He knows that the core of his base are quasi-Nazis and he wants to stir them up. Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, four times is going Full Hitler (I am paraphrasing Ian Fleming).
  4. Former President Trump has repeatedly said undocumented immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country," language echoing the rhetoric of white supremacists and Adolf Hitler. Why it matters: The phrase "poisoning the blood of our country" has a deep racist and antisemitic history, and the comments come as some Republicans have openly endorsed the once-fringe and racist "white replacement theory." Your internet masters have taught you that the way to defend Trump is to parse his words, using the logic if he didn't quote Hitler directly, he's not a Nazi. That may have worked for you in High School, but we are adults here, and can understand Trump's Nazi messages about poisoning the blood and vermin.
  5. Let me translate into English: if you have income, but don't have to pay anything, do you still have to file?
  6. The issue isn't the amount of tax, it's having to file a Thai tax return. Almost no one here except a handful of ex-pats who are currently working have any clue about how to file, when to file, and most don't even know enough to ask questions. When talking to other ex-pats, do they even know about these new regulations?
  7. I gave you the link, so what's your response? Or, are you just randomly asking for links about stuff that is commonly known?
  8. Getting back to the subject, do you approve of voter suppression by Republican bureaucrats?
  9. Kris Kobach was the pioneer in voter suppression. One of his favorite techniques was: Identify Democratic voters in a key area, Match their names with registered voters in other states, If the same, drop the voter from the rolls When they realize what happened, its too late for them to vote.
  10. before I waste my time posting common knowledge, do you disagree that Russia is promoting right wing parties in Europe?
  11. Are you staking your reputation on your belief that the polls won't change as the election nears?
  12. Or... "a lot of morons don't understand elections and believe Trump's lies".
  13. The 80 killed in Iran, a suicide bombing by ISIS. If Iran were not so screwed up, we could work together to eliminate ISIS.
  14. Do you agree that immigrants are poisoning the blood of America?
  15. She had a brain fade, and made a mistake. Was Trump echoing Hitler's poisoning the blood statement just a brain fade?
  16. My point was that 1931 was the last time there was a big right-wing movement in Europe. It didn't end well. Putin is spending big money on right wing politicians in Europe, I don't think it will help him.
  17. Because you believe that polls never change. Will your internet masters require you to claim that Biden's polls won't improve - ever? Or, you can't answer because nobody gives you talking points about the future?
  18. You are asking me to demonstrate voter suppression in Florida? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/17/florida-republicans-black-voters-justice-department
  19. This document assumes the reader knows nothing about elections. Let me pose you a question: do you believe this report unequivocally proves significant voter fraud in the 2020 Georgia election? Or are you just trolling by posting this? Did you read the Georgia Secretary of State response to these allegations? If these are disproven, would you change your opinion, or are you just trolling?
  20. Can you provide a link demonstrating that your fantasy is real?
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