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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Colorado ballot issue and the immunity issue are distinct motions under consideration. Most people think the immunity case is a slam dunk reject.
  2. The Supreme Court will rule on this issue based on the law. What law, I don't know. Maybe Clarence Thomas will come up with something.
  3. you can't say wrong, and then re-define the parameters of the discusion. The US was #1 in Covid deaths, precisely because Trump failed to contain it. BTW "we're number 15 per capita in Covid deaths" is not exactly a stunning endorsement of Trump's handling of the pandemic.
  4. by the time Biden took over, the disease was out of control. Fortunately, the pandemic peaked under Trump and began to ease off after he left.
  5. Right now in Pattaya, there is some illness related to bronchitis going around. Lots of ladies sick for one week+.
  6. You asked me for a link proving Russian backing for Europe's right wing parties. I gave you one. I assume you agree that Putin is backing right wing groups in Europe.
  7. At the very least, someone exiting Thailand through those gates could take a photo of the sign.
  8. The official statement is silent on this issue. The better wording was in a comment: " Visa holders can't use those gates."
  9. After House GOP border visit, Homeland Security official urges Congress to pass funding
  10. The sign on the gate specifically stated that a re-entry permit would be canceled if the gate were used.
  11. It was a bogus question, not worthy of a serious answer. Border security depends on government funding. The Republican House refuses to provide that funding. Go talk to them.
  12. It seems that you have a memory problem. You asked me to post a link, I did, then you got all Trumpy about it.
  13. Putin hopes that Trump will be president when Russia attacks Latvia.
  14. There is no valid evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. You have supplied a link to a really stupid report that was filled with lies and half truths. The real point is that you don't understand how ballots are counted. This is not intended as an insult, because most people don't understand the process. If you did understand, then you woukd know that Trump is lying about election fraud.
  15. The Supreme Court will rightly restore Trump to the ballot. And then he will lose to Biden.
  16. Ever heard of a dictator who gave up power voluntarily?
  17. You've got a link showing Joe Biden took a dime from the Chinese?
  18. There is no Joe Biden corruption, it's just a delusion in your head. On the other hand, your man Trump took in millions from China while US president. Don't you know about that?
  19. QAnon seems to be losing steam due to a series of bad predictions.
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