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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. IIRC, Trump was involved in a plot to overturn the 2020 election. Overturning an election = denying people the right to have their votes count. Are you okay with that?
  2. Let's look at the presidential immunity issue. There are several ways the Supremes could rule: Full immunity. That means that presidents are fully immune in all situations. That's a crazy position, since Clarence Thomas does not want Joe Biden to shoot him. Very unlikely the SC will go for full immunity. Immunity for official acts: this may sound good, but what happens if an official act is corrupt? For example, a pardon is an official act, but a president might sell pardons, which is illegal. Immunity for official acts, if they are not corrupt. Again, it sounds good, but isn't workable. If DOJ indicts a president for a corrupt official act, the defense is going to say that the president has immunity. Which means another ruling by the Supreme Court. No immunity. That's a fairly bulletproof position. I don't know how much, if any, immunity the Supremes will grant a president.
  3. So, is it appropriate to try to win elections by pushing to remove candidates from the ballot?
  4. Let me try to explain it this way: the Constitution does not require that a president be convicted by a court of law as a requirement for impeachment. Therefore, Congress doesn't need a reason to impeach a president, it just comes down to votes. This quirk has recently shown to be easily abused. Likewise, the Constitution does not require conviction for sedition before removal from the ballot. Therefore, its possible to remove candidates from the ballot simply because the votes to do so are there.
  5. Gavin Newsom blasts effort to block Trump from California ballot: 'We defeat candidates at the polls'
  6. Managers who have been around for some time often have a book of business, and when they change bars, their customers go with them.
  7. Only if they are really stupid. There are some bargirls who want to be the "girlfriend" of the manager, to accrue some additional benefits and dispensations.
  8. According to prior posts, most Thais are liable for income tax, but the reality is that few do. My opinion is that January 1 will come and go with zero impact on most ex-pats. It won't be noticed. What would catch their attention would be the Immigration Dept requiring a tax return as a requirement for renewing visas (this could happen no earlier than 2026). I'm not saying this happen, though.
  9. There are plenty of trials up ahead. The important ones are the state trials, because Trump (or any Republican governor) can't pardon his way out of state convictions.
  10. What's the point of posts like this? Are you mentally incapable of conceiving that the polls will change between now and the election? So, what will you post if the polls show Biden ahead?
  11. You serm to have forgotten that incumbent presidents rarely go through primaries.
  12. That happens to be my position. I was responding to a poster who wanted to bar Biden from the ballot due to alleged senility and corruption.
  13. This topic is like a condensation of all political discussions here: Some MAGA type will post lies and fantasies, and then disappear when they are corrected. The divide here is not so much about politics, but about reality vs fantasy.
  14. First off, there is no evidence that Biden is corrupt or senile. Second, the Constitution does bar candidates who engage in insurrection. But not senility or corruption. Oh, you don't care what the Constitution says?
  15. You can't fall off a bike if you're too fat to ride one.
  16. please provide some links proving that any of the above is necessary. I don't see Trump riding any bikes.
  17. "Additionally, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has come under previous scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing the interests of its namesake rather than those of charity, apparently used the Eric Trump Foundation to funnel $100,000 in donations into revenue for the Trump Organization." and Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds and Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations he used it for personal and political benefit
  18. How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business Apparently, you are not well informed.
  19. Those people who have had problems using foreign credit cards in Thailand probably won't be using those credit cards as a means of reducing exposure to RD. For the rest of us, if we need tax free financial resources in Thailand, foreign credit cards seem one way to go. I certainly will pay for purchases on Lazada with foreign credit cards, and will only use my Thai bank account for purchases where I cannot use a foreign card.
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