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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The issue isn’t Lazada wallet, it’s Bangkok bank. They want my Thai citizen ID to interface with Lazada wallet.
  2. I tried topping up the Lazada wallet with my Bangkok Bank account, but got hung up when it asked for my Thai citizen ID.
  3. Because Thais lived in and around Guangzhou province, before they emigrated.
  4. Flying out of LAX was no big deal last week. My only issue is that I caught a cold in the US, and so I now have my first cold since before Covid. I used to get them every time I came to Thailand, but Covid stopped that.
  5. I am filling out the Singapore equivalent of Thailand Pass, and it’s about the same.
  6. I have a Mamasan bargirlfriend who lends money to bargirls and is always paid back. Because she also pays their salaries and grabs her money back first, with interest.
  7. It seems you are unaware of the concept of excess mortality.
  8. Just check the excess mortality figures for Thailand.
  9. National reporting for diseases should reflect the true spread of the disease. To the extent that the reports do not reflect reality due to testing problems, the reports are inaccurate. Example: I weighed myself this morning. Except, I didn’t actually step on the scale. So, my report is I weigh O kilos, because that’s what the scale says. 100% accurate, per your standards.
  10. Before you guys go down this path, please compare the amount of per capita Covid testing in Thailand vs Western Europe or the US. Once you do that, tell us why you are confident that Thailand’s Covid numbers are accurate.
  11. I have a lady come to my condo for massage once a week. About every two months, she sends me a photo of a relative in the hospital. I guess she wants a donation, but I ignore her. I think she doesn’t know that I know about the 30 baht medical plan in Thailand. If I donated to every Thai lady with a relative in the hospital, I would be broke in a month. Thai families are large, and, in Isaan, they are in and out of hospitals.
  12. In Western nations, coroners are quite precise in determining “died of” or “died with”. In Thailand, many deaths are not verified by coroners.
  13. Thailand had significant excess mortality numbers during Covid, which indicates under reporting of Covid deaths. This under reporting is common in many countries in Asia and Africa.
  14. Perhaps you don't know, but most Western nations have an elaborate system for determining cause of death for all persons, using impartial coroners under strict guidelines. Conversely, if a Thai dies at home in the village, determination of cause of death is perfunctory, and the body is disposed of quickly, ie cremation at the temple. That's why so many Covid deaths were reported as pneumonia, since no one bothers to uncover the basis of the pneumonia, especially if the deceased were not tested before death.
  15. I hope you understand that reporting mortality in Thailand does not follow the same rules as in USA, Europe and Britain.
  16. This lady fled her Thai boyfriend for a couple of days, went back to his place, and is now happy again. Hopefully, she will have forgotten whatever issue she had last week. The other lady who wanted to talk to me has a buyer for her bar and wanted to talk about business issues. So, no money requests, I dodged a bullet.
  17. I don't know personally any Thai ladies who were stuck working room in Bahrain. I do know ladies who got swindled into working room in Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Also, I understand that happens in Malaysia, as well. I am not suggesting that every lady who goes to these countries is forced to work room, but there are some who do.
  18. Some of the invading Russian soldiers operate under the Western Military District. ”West” is “Zapad” in Russian.
  19. that’s not even the real problem, which comes when they confiscate the girl’s passport, and not pay her until the airfare, visa cost and agent’s fee are paid for. In some countries, the girls work “room”, ie, they have to stay in a room all day and take on whatever customers come by. Typically, after a month, they go home penniless. There are some who do hang in there, and make money after the first month, but it is hard work. i am not suggesting that this is the fate of all Thai ladies who go overseas, it’s largely the luck of the draw.
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