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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I remember Russia's mistake in invading Ukraine. Over 250,000 killed, wounded or captured - for nothing.
  2. Whatever you want to call them, they have been there in great numbers for a long time.
  3. First, they celebrate the violence against Israeli civilians. Then when the blowback is imminent, they call for a ceasefire. You know, it's possible to condemn Israeli apartheid AND to condemn intentional violence against civilians.
  4. Trial document: Trump acknowledged penthouse size at 11,000 square feet, not 30,000 he later claimed Weisselberg admitted that Trump's valuation was wildly incorrect.
  5. The British mandate contained Palestine and TransJordan, which was East of the Jordan River.
  6. They were called "Arabs" by the Jews. Or "Palestinian Arabs". You are using revionist history to make them disappear.
  7. "When early Zionist pioneers started migrating to Israel the Arabs were mostly in the hilly areas. The coastal areas were mostly clear. So the Zionists settled there. There were Arabs of course and they were paid for their land." It was majority Arab, but many fled under Israeli pressure in 1947-48.
  8. Notably absent at this point was a call for a ceasefire to allow civilians to escape.
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa 5 minutes on Google shows your "history" to be bogus. The city of Jaffa, for example, was majority Arab under Ottoman rule. The Arabs fled or were evicted in 1947.
  10. The Gazans are culturally affiliated with Egyptians, compared to the Palestinians of the West Bank. They have been separated for 75+ years.
  11. Hamas expected this, but still went ahead with their terror operation. Either crazy or evil.
  12. The terrorists may have videoed themselves dispatching the Thai workers.
  13. What part of the Negev desert is illegally occupied Palestinian land?
  14. So, what should the Israelis do, in your opinion?
  15. Trump is always desperate to make every situation about him. He is as crazy as a loon.
  16. Hamas has launched 1000s of rockets at Israel, pointlessly. What if the money used for those rockets had been used instead to better the lives of Gazans?
  17. Now the Israeli response is coming. Lots of Gazans are going to die. It's not going to be very nice. Muslim sentiment is going to change from "Great, a bunch of Jews have been killed" to "the Jews are massacring our people". One thing about sentiments in these situations - losers are abandoned. Sadam, Bin Laden, and ISIS are now mostly forgotten by the masses, not because their ideology has been rejected, but because they lost. If Hamas is perceived as losing this confrontation, then they may join the list of irrelevant losers. That might pave the way for someone else to represent the Gazans. But, before that happens, there will come death and destruction.
  18. Israel is usually pretty good with surveillance. It may be possible to identify the losers who killed the Thais, capture them, and extradite the killers to Thailand. A life sentence in a Thai prison seems like a reasonable outcome.
  19. It looks like individuals and small militia units of Hezbollah are taking random shots across the border. Nothing to worry about so far.
  20. Perhaps Hamas leadership should have considered that before their surprise attack.
  21. September saw the UK EV share at 23.4% of the auto market, up from 22.4% year on year. Full electric sales grew in volume by 19% YoY, slightly less growth than the overall market.
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