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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. When climate changes, there has to be a forcing factor such as increased solar activities, or changes in the Earth's axis. Since you admit the climate is changing, please describe the forcing factor causing the current warming.
  2. You do know that Israel has not yet invaded Gaza, but that Gaza has invaded Israel?
  3. The International Community won't do anything as long as Hamas aims at the destruction of Israel, and kills civilians.
  4. In the event that the UN does nothing, what do you think the Gazans should do?
  5. Israel set up Hamas in the first place. Bad move.
  6. Remember 9/11? Yes, it was an intelligence failure.
  7. The point is that Gazans have been living in Gaza for thousands of years.
  8. Go about your life without threatening your neighbors. Focus on a peace agreement that opens a port for Gaza. Work for a government focused on making life better for Gazans, not destroying Israel.
  9. IiRC, the Hebrews left Israel 2,000 years ago.
  10. Ashkelon was an ancient Phillistine city.
  11. Who lived in the Gaza Strip 100 years ago? Where did they come from?
  12. This creates the prospect of US Special Forces in Gaza.
  13. The climate doesn't care about taxes. More CO2 = warmer temperatures.
  14. As I said, the Phillistines interbred with Hebrews, and later became Arabized. But the Phillistines are the ancestors of the Gazans, and the word "Palestine" came from "Phillistine".
  15. I don't think many people here are aware of the history of Gaza, which is very different from the West Bank. The Gaza strip has been the home of Palestinians for thousands of years. They used to be called "Phillistines ", and originally came from Greece. Over the years, they intebred with Hebrews and were Arabized later. Eventually, Egypt gained control of the Gaza Strip and so the locals gained an affinity for Egypt that resulted in a very different culture than other Palestinians. At some point, Egypt was forced to give it up, and Gaza continued as the home for Palestinians under Israeli control. What should happen is that the residents should have complete independence (not as part of the West Bank government), but without any allusions to somehow conquering Israel for themselves. The sooner that the historical status of Gaza as a separate and free standing entity is realized, the fighting ends. That's the solution. However, Hamas is more interested in getting funding for fighting Israel than administering an independent country. They are the barrier to Gazan independence.
  16. Had you been around 120 years ago, you would have similar thoughts about the cars vs horses debate.
  17. If you open a door into a tiger cage, and jump in, claiming the tiger is genocidal won't help you. Stupid is as stupid does.
  18. Carbon Dioxide is known to trap heat in the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from 280 to 400+ ppm over the last 40 years. This excess CO2 is known to be human produced, due to isoptpic analysis. Plus, human production of CO2 is monitored. As CO2 builds up, global temperatures increase. Ignoring this problem doesn't make it go away. Calling people who are aware of this problem "alarmists" doesn't help.
  19. Without knowing all the environmental factors, it's hard to know: Shade from nearby trees Angle & orientation of your roof Working voltage of your system Cable size My advice is to design your system so that more panels could be added later. Then install the number you think is adequate.
  20. Most of those 80 million don't have the money to pollute much. And wealthy countries tend to have lower population growth.
  21. So, the bargirl trying the Escalator con on me borrowed 4000 baht last month, and paid it back. Now she wants to borrow 5,000 baht.
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