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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Vaccines protect against infection from Omicron subvariant — but not for long you can argue with these guys.
  2. It’s true that the US has killed many innocents via bombing. The difference with Russia is that the US bombs civilians by error, whereas the Russians do so intentionally.
  3. If you were given concrete examples of Putin lying, you would rationalize the lies by claiming that deception is part of war. To be fair, if your question is honest, I will give you examples of Putin lying.
  4. Shocked, for a minute, but then forgot about it.
  5. When I talk to a Thai lady friend about the war, she has zero interest. It’s a bit strange for me, since we stayed in Kyiv a year ago for 2 weeks. Maybe once she reacted to a photo of a building in Kyiv being bombed.
  6. Okay, I am going to Phuket with the married factory lady. She doesn’t know that I know she has a husband, so I don’t ask about her marital status.
  7. I suspect that you could multiple the number of newly hospitalized by 100 to provide the real number of new infections. Of course, we never see that number.
  8. The drop in weekend numbers are what I called an “artifact” last year. Apparently, last year, nobody agreed with me that weekend numbers were artificially low, due to reduced testing.
  9. Yeah, I saw some Indians on the baht bus last night. The problem is, they don’t go to the bars much, so no impact on the bar scene from arrivals of Indians.
  10. You clearly don’t know much about immunology. The way to eradicate a virus is to reduce the R0 number below 1. There are multiple ways of doing that, vaccination is one of them. The basic concept is to make it harder for the virus to infect others. Although vaccinated individuals can be infected, they are less likely to be infected, and are not infected so long as the unvaccinated. so, vaccination helps stop the virus from spreading. You don’t want the virus to spread, either, so you should be pro-vaccine.
  11. If everyone were vaccinated, Covid would disappear. I suggest you use the Google to research the concept of an “R0 number”.
  12. Covid can be eradicated off the planet, but there is a small vocal group of anti-vaxxers who want Covid to survive.
  13. Very few fully vaccinated people are dying from Covid. Your posts are full of misleading statements, and you are contributing nothing of value here. You suggest a worst case scenario where people vaccinate constantly to avoid illness. Do you know of any other illness that requires constant vaccination? I can tell you when vaccination is required to avoid that death thing, most people choose to live.
  14. Again, you are whining about vaccination, when the vast majority of Covid deaths are the undervaccinated. Getting a shot vs an agonizing death, seems a no-brainer to me.
  15. Less than an hour total today. I went at 09.00. They gave me Pfizer, no questions asked.
  16. I suffered compulsory vaccination as a child. I was forced to vaccinate against Polio, Measles, Smallpox.
  17. I am fully vaccinated and have been exposed to infected individuals many times. Never got infected.
  18. After the next High Season starts, this will all be forgotten. Except that bar owners will always complain about lack of girls.
  19. The vast majority of Covid deaths now are unvaccinated people. Death can make you very weary.
  20. You seem confused. The vast number of people with serious Covid are under-vaccinated. You are whining about vaccinations, but you fail to be concerned about the alternative, which could be that death thing. Its kind of like a soldier in combat whining about his bulletproof vest, the thing is so uncomfortable.
  21. I traveled to South America for 3 months with a Thai lady. The first night back in Pattaya, she hit the bars. Has Covid now.
  22. The lady I traveled with took her day 5 test yesterday, and it was negative. She didn’t feel well, and did a 2nd ATK later in the day. Positive.
  23. You posted that your Mrs got a booster for Sinovac + Az. I have Az + Az. Any idea if the Temple will give me a booster for Az + Az after 4 months?
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