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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Actually, not. What the Ministry is doing is putting the squeeze on deadenders who refuse to vaccinate. The tighter the squeeze, the fewer unvaccinated there will be, and the lower the odds of a new mutation that will defeat the current vaccines. The meme you are spreading is an old one, it's the "you have your vaccine, why do you worry about me?", which makes sense only to people with no knowledge of immunology. It would be far better for you to stop reading the misinformation you get on Facebook and read instead what the health agencies post. Except maybe the one in Thailand.
  2. Not me, the system underlines links by default. The link takes you to a CDC site filled with actual information.
  3. It’s real simple, people: Vaccination prevents the spread of the virus, so, of course the Ministry is going to do everything possible to encourage people to get vaccinated. Even if you refuse to get vaccinated yourself, don’t you want everyone else to get vaccinated?
  4. You need to get vaccinated. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7044e1.htm
  5. Not during an epidemic. Public health supersedes your right to infect others.
  6. Which is where the anti-Vaxxers get crushed, since vaccine efficacy is demonstrated via hundreds of clinical trials worldwide. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness.html?s_cid=10464:covid vaccine effective:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21
  7. Because vaccination prevents infection by up to 90%, and if you are not infected, you can’t infect anyone else. Think about it like Polio, if this were a Polio epidemic, would you be happy if the unvaccinated were allowed everywhere?
  8. Having the defendant pick jurors via lottery is not a good idea. People want to be on the jury after a long trial. If the defendant picks them, that creates an artificial bias on the part of those he picks.
  9. If the jury votes to convict and then the judge declares a mistrial, that would not be good.
  10. It's been 6 days since my one night quarantine and I tested myself with the ATK I was given. In other news, I apparently don't have Covid. I will send this in to my hotel via Line. Anyone else actually test themselves with their ATK?
  11. I wouldn’t want to be on the jury, since it’s a complicated jury. There’s a good chance the jury won’t agree on a verdict. If I were a juror, I would convict on a lesser charge, reckless endangerment. I wouldn’t want to send a message by letting this guy go free.
  12. I came through Narita on Thursday, and they hardly cared about my paperwork. they gave it a cursory glance, stamped my boarding pass, and that was that.
  13. Which makes it even weirder that they joined the anti-vaxx Covid [deleted]. In America, most of these low information types oppose the vaccine for political reasons, ie they think if the epidemic spreads, the current administration will look bad. Few consider that one consequence of their actions may be death. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/
  14. Vaccination is effective in stopping the epidemic in countries where vaccination is widespread. Infections in UAE were routinely 2,000 per day, now its down to 50. Israel was the poster child for anti-vaxxers when infections were 5,000+ per day, now its 346, and your internet friends have stopped sending you misinformation about Israel. Vaccination is causing new infections to drop all over the world. There are pockets of unvaccinated still causing spread, but that will go away as the anti-vaxxers die off.
  15. *Deleted Post edited out* In your effort to discredit vaccination, you are posting misinformation. Your method is similar to other anti-vaxxers, you present partial information. Viral loads are similar in vaxxed and un-vaxxed, except that the vaxxed are up to 10 times less likely to be infected in the first place, and when they are infected, they are infectious for a shorter period of time. Everyone should be vaccination who can be vaccinated, so that this epidemic ends as soon as possible. Don't you agree?
  16. I hope you understand that helping the virus spread is a bad thing, and if you don’t vaccinate, you are helping the virus to spread.
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