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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. One of the participants was Richard Lindzen, who has been consistently wrong about Global Warming: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02148/RSL-HouseOfCommons_2148505a.pdf The top chart is Lindzen's, the bottom is from NASA. Lindzen has predicted cooling back in the 1980s, and was wrong. Of course, he receives funding from oil companies, and has lied about it: https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Richard_S._Lindzen You can read more of Lindzen's crackpot discredited arguments at the above.
  2. Al Gore, in his movie about Global Warming, predicted that the planet would get warmer. He was right.
  3. The planet has been warming for 40+ years. What natural forces are increasing solar temperatures? Here's a hint: when you want to boil water, you have to turn up the heat on your stove. Likewise, what is "turning up" the Earth's temperature?
  4. A movie featuring scientists funded by the oil industry, claiming that the current warming was caused by increased solar activity. And they were wrong.
  5. This is an old chestnut. There was a short term cooling trend in the 1970s, during some scientists speculated that this might lead to an Ice Age, if the trend continued. They offered no studies, nor did they predict more cooling. At the end of the 1970s, there was talk of a nuclear winter that would result from nuclear war. Some low information types conflated these two distinct speculations into a memory of scientists predicting global cooling.
  6. If your point is that national efforts to reduce pollution have been lackluster, I can't disagree. Some countries have made efforts, but overall, results are not so good. And the planet keeps warming.
  7. Since the topic is about warming, do you think the Sun is making the Earth warmer than before? Do you really believe that increased Solar output is responsible for the last 40 years of warming?
  8. Nothing the Palestinians have done so far has stopped Israel from stealing land.
  9. How so? I would argue that the reverse is true - the more the Palestinians actively resist, the more Israel cracks down. And kills Palestinians.
  10. There is no current "resistance" by the Palestinians that is saving the Palestinians from being wiped out of existence. If you could demonstrate that there is, great.
  11. Going full Gandhi would allow the Palestinians to win, but it would take time. A generation will pass before people stop thinking of Palestinian terrorists.
  12. Q: Why is the planet warming? A: Because "natural forces". Q: Which natural forces? What are they? A: You're a poopyhead. I could do this all day.
  13. It's not a sure thing that Harris would get the nomination. There are better candidates out there.
  14. Absolutely. Sidney Powell clearly is insane, but that doesn't stop people here from believing her claims that the 2020 election was stolen. Its kind of scary.
  15. Abbas has no clue why Hitler did anything. Also, Palestinians are Semites, too.
  16. Maybe Haley could beat Biden, but Trump can't. Sucks for the GOP.
  17. For any candidate that rises to prominence, there is a sweetheart period before the attacks begin.
  18. I don't know where this bar is located.
  19. Okay, so you believe that manmade Climate Change is a fraud. So, who is in on the conspiracy? When did the conspiracy begin? If it began in the 1980s when the first predictions were made about warming, why have global temperatures risen as predicted? Are you suggesting that oil companies are in on the conspiracy by producing fossil fuels that release CO2 that increases global warming? So many questions....
  20. Again, if the warming is natural, it could reverse at any time. But, what force do you think is warming the planet (assuming you agree the planet is warming).
  21. There you are showing signs of being a conspiracy nut. For Global Warming to be a fraud, millions of people would have to be involved. Do you believe that reports of increased global temperatures are fraudulent? How far down the rabbit hole have you gone?
  22. The Thanos approach. But why use the Infinity Gauntlet if you think climate change is natural?
  23. Nope. Let's say you meet a grad student working on climate research. Would you really tell them that they are a fraud, the whole concept of manmade global warming is a fraud for money? In Real Life, if a scientist wanted to commit fraud for money, they would go work for the Heartland Institute, or any one of the bogus fraud shops funded by the oil companies. Those are the sources for your talking points.
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