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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. That's trolling. When should the prosecutor have charged Trump for the stolen vlassified documents? Please don't troll by replying "never".
  2. I guess you don't understand the water cycle. I am not going to waste my time describing it to you. Anyone who passed Science knows what I sm talking about. Even if I explained it to you, you would just change to another subject to troll about. This reminds me of Trump losing 60 court cases, he never learned.
  3. Yesterday, the bargirl paid back a 2500 baht loan. This morning, she hit me up for a 10,000 baht loan. Classic escalator con. Even if she pays this one back, she is going to raise the ante until she stops paying. I declined her request this time.
  4. If you were the prosecutor, when would you have charged Trump for theft of classified materials?
  5. Great. Wages at the small number of company owned McDonalds have increased. I don't know why people here are sympathizing with billionaires, and denigrating working class people. It's some sort of psychological condition, much as some serfs used to identify with their feudal lord, the person who kept them poor.
  6. Volcanic eruptions are one time events, and their gases disappate over time. Human produced CO2 is ongoing. Not the same.
  7. Water vapor released by a one time event has a relatively short lifetime in the atmosphere. But CO2 continually traps water vapor in the atmosphere.
  8. https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/ask-nasa-climate/3143/steamy-relationships-how-atmospheric-water-vapor-amplifies-earths-greenhouse-effect/#:~:text=Water vapor is Earth's most,atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. Your internet friends are sending you misleading information. Increased water vapor is a consequence of warming, which, in turn, is caused by increased CO2.
  9. Sorry for confusing you. "I'm more interested in what you are doing about it." was your comment. The term "mitigation" means "doing something about it".
  10. Unless Trump is convicted of sedition, this is going nowhere. No reason to bar Trump from running without a conviction.
  11. One minute you are throwing doubt on global warming, and now you are focus on mitigation. Okay, mitigation is a big deal these days, solar power, wind power, shutting down coal plants, I understand that people are buying cars that don't burn gasoline.
  12. How many people do you know are sitting in jail because they filed a tax return late?
  13. It would be very easy to prove mass voter fraud. You just don't understand how elections work.
  14. Or, some sort of minimum payment for the rich could be enacted. Oh, wait, Biden already did that.
  15. You're pretty consistent in trying to defend big tax cuts for the rich. Eliminating business deductions would have a severe negative impact on the economy. Same with eliminating the long term capital gains tax, it woukd stifle investment.
  16. How about the Apollo moon landings, were they are a hoax? Is the Earth flat? UFOs?
  17. It tells me that a TV station upgraded its graphics. Are you a Global Warming denier?
  18. So, if a meteor were detected hurtling towards Earth, you would disregard the warnings.
  19. Solar activity is relatively constant. Over the last 40 years, solar output has not contributed to the additional warming of the Troposphere Oops, the Stratosphere is cooling. Why is that?
  20. Without manmade pollutants in the atmosphere, the natural cooling trend would preclude tropical insects from heading north.
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