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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You are not answering why the Earth is warming. The Sun is a constant factor. So, why is the Stratosphere warming?
  2. or, are you saying that the Sun is causing Global Warming? As solar activity is in a lowered state, that would be a really stupid answer.
  3. how is the Sun cooling the Stratosphere? Does the Sun emanate air conditioning rays?
  4. So, your ideology includes the reality that the planet is warming. Despite predictions from Deniers that we would be having cooling. So, if the planet is warming, why is the Stratosphere cooling?
  5. You can debate and play semantics all you want. What you can't dispute is that the Global Warming hypothesis is the best explanation for the current warming and the Stratospheric cooling.
  6. This reminds me of the UFO nuts. They can't produce direct evidence, so they focus on hidden USAF emails for their proof.
  7. You seem to want to bloviate about stuff unrelated to global warming. To that extent, you are tacitly admitting that the Global Warming hypothesis cannot be disproven. So yeah, go back to talking about nothing.
  8. https://skepticalscience.com/comparing-global-temperature-predictions.html Robert Hansen predicted the current warming over 40 years ago. IPCC started predictions 25 years ago and nailed it. No one was predicting global cooling with any certainty, that is your imagination.
  9. Do you have any doubts that warming climate allows some pests to move northwards? Can't you just admit that without engaging in your usual foodfight about credentials?
  10. You are wildly off topic. We are talking about Climate Change here. If you have data disproving the Global Warming hypothesis, please share it.
  11. The critical point is that the Global Warming hypothesis is the best explanation for the current warming. What have you got besides vague accusations and onsults?
  12. Your internet friends have deceived you. The way it works is the oil companies hire internet trolls to send out misinformation about science. Some of their output has fooled you into believing that science is wrong.
  13. Well, that's ironic. The global warming critics here are largely ignorant of science. Not that ignorance stops them on their mission to sow doubt about global warming. This ignorance is typified by an inability to provide any data contradicting the Global Warming hypothesis. Instead, the Deniers post doubts about science.
  14. Do you have any data that disproves the Global Warming hypothesis? Can YOU explain why the Stratosphere is cooling?
  15. Let me answer your second question first. The amount of excess CO2 in the atmosphere is the driver for global warming. Keep in mind that there is a lag between dumping CO2 into the atmosphere and warming, primarily because the ocean is a big CO2 reservoir. But the ocean releases CO2 as levels rise, and so CO2 cannot be trapped in the ocean indefinitely. Your first question is mitigation, which is outside the scope of this topic. But, we never get real mitigation if people don't agree there's a problem.
  16. I can't argue with your speculation. But, if Biden goes bad like Mitch McConnell, he will drop out early.
  17. wrong. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/31/politics/christopher-wray-congress-contempt/index.html The document has origins in a tranche of documents that Rudy Giuliani provided to the Justice Department in 2020, people briefed on the matter said.
  18. Unlikely that Harris would be the nominee if Biden were to withdraw early. There are a couple better candidates. Likewise, Trump is the weakest Republican candidate, except for maybe DeSantis. Of course, most of the other candidates haven't been roughed up, particularly that Big Pharma con man.
  19. The top marginal tax rate during the Eisenhower administration was 90%. Was that excessive? Eisenhower balanced budgets. Was he squandering tax dollars?
  20. I would prefer a different candidate than Joe Biden. But if its Biden vs Trump, then I will support Joe Biden 100%.
  21. Singapore is a very special country. What percent of their budget does Singapore spend on their armed forces?
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