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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You have written a treatise on why the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy should be repealed.
  2. In case you don't know, the IRS taxes income, not assets. That's why they call it "income tax". If your assets appreciate, they are taxed when you sell them.
  3. Moot point, because the documents found in Biden's possession were not declassified.
  4. No need for a revolution. Just one blowout election where the Dems win big majorities in Congress. Then Congress will pass a modest tax increase for the wealthy.
  5. I believe that Biden introduced a minimum tax for the wealthy that requires payment of some amount of taxes.
  6. So, history shows that increasing the taxes on the rich generates a more prosperous economy. You are simply trying to rationalize why the history is meaningless. As for Clinton borrowing money from the Social Security trust fund, Ronald Reagan was the first to do that, in 1983. Because he lowered taxes on the rich, and the deficit blew up.
  7. "Taxing the rich won't help"? Really? It seems you have been fed fairy tales in a successful attempt to convince you that taxing the rich is a bad thing. Clinton increased taxes on the wealthy. He balanced the budget, and enjoyed the most prosperous economy up to that time. Tell me again taxing the rich won't help.
  8. Those 10s of million$ exist only in your mind. And, no - an FD1023 based on Rudy Guiliani is less than worthless.
  9. And returned promptly when the handful of documents were discovered. As opposed to hiding them when given a subpoena.
  10. US support for Ukraine fighting an invasion is instructional for Xi. If the US were to stop its support, Xi would know that US pledges of support were worthless. This is just basic logic, its surprising you can't see it.
  11. Nice parable, written by some lackey for a rich guy. Let me respond with a true story: During the Eisenhower administration, the top marginal tax rate was 90%. That's when we built the Interstate Highway System. That's when we had balanced budgets. That's when Americans could own homes. That's when working wives were a rarity. True story, bro.
  12. https://theintercept.com/2023/08/29/insulin-medicare-drug-price-negotiation/ BIDEN ADMINISTRATION ADDS INSULIN TO DRUG PRICE NEGOTIATION LIST IN MAJOR BLOW TO BIG PHARMA That's just this week. More than Trump did in 4 years.
  13. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/30/politics/overtime-pay-salaried-workers-biden/index.html Millions of salaried workers would get overtime pay under Biden administration proposal
  14. Excellent question. Biden has worked around the margins to support people living paycheck to paycheck.
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