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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. If you are basing your opinion on the FD1023, you truly have nothing. Yes, Hunter Biden exploited his family connections. And yes, 4 people died in Benghazi. But you people like to make big noise over this stuff, until its no longer useful. All Hunter Biden's attorneys have to do is stall until Joe Biden is out of office, and then you will forget about all of this.
  2. This is not a credible source. Got anything better?
  3. Trump has been indicted on 91 charges. The only reason he is walking around is that the trials haven't happened yet. BTW, your man Trump is dropping in GOP polls. As long as he avoids debates, he is going to hand the nomination to someone else. You might consider a second choice.
  4. Your link is bogus, a lot of claims but no proof.
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/irs-president-audit-congress/
  6. Biden has been audited by the Trump IRS repeatedly. They found nothing wrong. What facts do you have that the IRS doesn't?
  7. Does Trump have to be present for Jury selection? Also, what are the odds of a delay of a few days until after Super Tuesday?
  8. so, why is the Stratosphere cooling? I am asking you because the people who feed you talking points don't have an answer for that question. Which requires you to think for yourself - so, if you can't answer, it tells us a lot about your thinking process. Let's see if you can do more than deflect and change the subject.
  9. Rather than fill space with nonsense, please explain why the Stratosphere is cooling.
  10. Right. Tens of thousands of researchers around the world are wrong, but you are right. But you don't even understand why the Stratosphere is cooling.
  11. No, you didn't. In response to my question of why the Stratosphere is cooling, you posted: "It's a complex variable". Which is no explanation. It's pretty obvious you don't understand atmospheric physics. If you think you do, please explain why the Stratosphere is cooling as the Troposphere warms.
  12. You are saying that asking for proof is a bad thing? Really?
  13. There are recordings of Trump commiting crimes and confessing to crimes.
  14. If you are talking about Hunter Biden, I am sure he is guilty of some crime. Leeching off family connections should be discouraged. Same with Jared Kushner.
  15. If Global Warming is not real, what is a better explanation for the Troposphere warming while the Stratosphere is cooling? If you can't answer, that's an indication that you simply have a political agenda and you don't really care about Global Warming is real or not.
  16. The Global Warming hypothesis is the best explanation of the available data. If you disagree, what's a better explanation?
  17. For some people, this is the equivalent of a debate between fan clubs of different pop stars. They can't grasp that data determines what is correct. The Global Warming hypothesis is the best explanation for the available data. "My scientist is smarter than your scientist" explains nothing.
  18. There is zero data in your post that refutes the Global Warming hypothesis.
  19. You are talking gibberish. Tell you what. Forget the computer models. Tell me why the Stratosphere is cooling.
  20. I will type slowly so you understand. Sometimes trials are not necessary for history and/or popular opinion to consider someone guilty. To wit: Hitler Osama Bin Laden Donald Trump
  21. I had an antibody test early on, and then got vaccinated, after which antibody tests wouldn't tell me anything.
  22. My argument is not Argument by Authority. It's based on the data. Unlike your argument, which is Argument by Crank.
  23. Therd are no rumors in that email that were not widely known at the time. But, can you tell me what Jared Kushner did to earn $3 billion from the Saudis? Why your lack of interest in that subject?
  24. Well, that was stupid. Hunter Biden compiled a report on widely known rumors back in 2014? Oh, the horror! How about you tell us what Jared Kushner did to get $3 billion from the Saudis.
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