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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Please give an example of our political overlords responding to global warming with an act that made things worse.
  2. Trolling. I asked about what is causing the recent additional warming, but you gave an unresponsive answer. It's almost as if you know that human caused pollution is causing the planet to warm, and you can't deny it, so instead you troll. Sad. Why would anyone do that?
  3. Since you agree "that the earth has warmed since 1850 and that human activity can change the climate", it looks like our differences are about how bad it's going to be. Like you, I don't believe the more alarmist claims. But, unlike you, I believe that there are some very real consequences from this human caused warming. Like my ruined vineyard, which is due to overly mild winters, starting about 10 years ago.
  4. I screwed up and forgot to apply for my evisa until 3 days before my flight. The visa didn't come in time, and it's been almost a week, still no visa. What was lame is that I booked my hotel long in advance, but forgot about the visa. I would recommend applying for the visa at least a week before departure.
  5. There is no Visa on Arrival for US citizens in Vietnam. The airline will not let you board without seeing your visa.
  6. And you can further reduce your position to: it's impossible to know what is real. That works for inmates of lunatic asylums. Meanwhile, the available dataset supports the Global Warming hypothesis so well that you can't disagree, you can only change the subject. Which you will do in 1....2....3....
  7. And what is producing the additional warming we have seen over the last decades, increased solar activity or human produced greenhouse gases?
  8. Its pretty obvious that you are clueless about science. The available data supports the hypothesis that the planet is warming, due to human produced greenhouse gases. Do you disagree?
  9. The available dataset supports the Global Warming hypothesis. The Deniers here waste their time attacking the concept of the scientific consensus, while they ignore the data underlying the consensus.
  10. Al Gore quoted a scientist who stated that there would be a 75% probability that the Arctic would be ice free in the summer of 2015. It indeed was close to ice free during the summer. And since that prediction, Arctic sea ice has been declining.
  11. This topic is about Global Warming, not the definition of scientific consensus. Can you post any data that contradicts the Global Warming hypothesis?
  12. Can you post any data that contradicts the Global Warming Hypothesis?
  13. Can you post data demonstrating that NASA satellite observations of Arctic Sea ice are false? https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/FutureEO/CryoSat/Sea_ice Strangely, ESA's CryoSat supports the NASA data: "Satellite records show a constant downward trend in the area covered by Arctic sea ice during all seasons, in particular in summer, with the minimum recorded occurring in the autumn of 2012." Do you think that the Europeans are conspiring with NASA to fool people about Arctic sea ice going away? Do you know how crazy that sounds?
  14. Do you believe in any scientific consensus in any field, or do you pick and choose which are correct? Do you think that the consensus that 1 + 1 = 2 is the opposite of science?
  15. Do you trust the data supporting the Global Warming Hypothesis, or do you believe that's fraudulent?
  16. "Climate change" is a term coined by Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster working for John McCain. The massive increase in Arctic sea ice you mentioned is a lie. Please retract that statement.
  17. The scientific consensus is that the Global Warming Hypothesis is the best explanation for the available climate data. Do you disagree? If so, what is a better explanation? What data supports your position?
  18. What part of the Global Warming Hypothesis do you believe has been disproven? What data supports your position? I suspect you don't understand what I just posted.
  19. Nope. The data is used to prove or disprove a scientific hypothesis. Your internet friends have deluged you with talking points about the term "consensus", but zero data disproving the Global Warming hypothesis. Strange. What part of the Global Warming Hypothesis do you think has been disproven?
  20. The guy posts zero data to support his position, which is that he doesn't believe in Science. Its more of an admission of a psychological problem than a scientific debate. At the end of day, his position boils down to: "how can anyone know what is real?"
  21. Climate change Deniers sow doubt. They quote people who support Denial, and attack people who support the Global Warming Hypothesis. No facts, just political discourse. I post data, you post long trolls.
  22. Arctic sea ice is quickly declining. https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ Al Gore talked about a 75% chance of summer sea ice disappearing Real Soon Now, but it is really going to happen within the lifetime of most posters here. Why is Arctic sea ice diminishing?
  23. You will note that all of these researchers stated that IF the cooling were to continue blah, blah, blah would happen. There never was a theory of why there was a short dip in global temperature, nor a consensus that the cooling was a real trend. Global warming was predicted many years ago, there is a demonstrated mechanism for it, and a global scientific consensus behind it. Not the same as the global cooling idea that was a minor and transitory thought.
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